Javier Mascherano in a homage with the Students


OFFICIAL: Mascherano announces retirement from professional football

Published:16/11/2020 - 07:29h

Updated:16/11/2020 - 07:29h

Javier Mascherano, a former FC Barcelona player, announced this Sunday that at 36 he is officially retiring from professional football. The Argentine will leave Estudiantes, who will become his last team

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Javier Mascherano, ex player of the FC Barcelona, of the Liverpool or of the Argentinian selection, announced this Sunday his official withdrawal of the professional football. "I want to announce that today I withdraw me of the football professionally. I want to appreciate to this club that gave me the opportunity that to finish my career in Argentina", commented, appreciating him to the Students the agreement that signed him so that it could go back to play in Argentina before this withdrawal.

The ex barcelonista arrived to the Argentinian group in November of the past 2019 pertinent of the Hebei Chinese Fortune of China. The own footballer knew that it went to be his last adventure like professional, but until a year afterwards has not wanted to it recognise publicly. "I think that it is moment to finish my career by feelings that have", explained, trying give the reasons by which has decided to put an end to his career.

"This is by a pile of things that went me happening in these months that do that, to personal level, having it thinking during all this time, the most correct is to finish today" recognised, leaving clear that has been a decision meditada and that does not go to throw for backwards. Therefore, the ex Barcelona will leave after almost 20 years devoted to the football of elite and to having harvested crowd of triumphs along his path.

With the Barça, for example, the Argentinian did with almost 20 trophies in the ochos years that defended the T-shirt blaugrana. The one of Saint Lorenzo was in the City Condal between 2010 and 2018, and in these eight seasons turned into a player importantísimo for the team. It began like acting of Sergio Busquets, but finish turning into the central headline of the team by the injuries of Carles Puyol, that saw forced to withdraw in 2014 by fault of these physical problems.

Mascherano Has won it almost everything

Mascherano Won five Leagues, five Glasses of Rey, three Supercopas of Spain, two Champions League, two Supercopas of Europe and two World-wide of Clubs. An impressive path in which it showed a capacity of fight and of worthy sacrifice of praise, since it accustomed to play in a position in which it never had played and finished turning into a very good defender and in somebody indispensable for his trainers.

His speed to the crossing, his intelligence to the hour to go to the floor, his personality and his good exit of balloon for having been mediocentro, did that during several years was key in the defence barcelonista. Now, with 36 years and after having it won almost everything, hto decided put end to a stage of his life that from this 16 November already is past.

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