Arthur in a training session of Barça | FCB


The president of Gremio advises Barça about Arthur's future

Published:5/06/2020 - 10:59h

Updated:5/06/2020 - 12:31h

Arthur's future has warmed up a few months before the summer, as there are several clubs that want to sign him. Romildo Bolzan, president of the Gremio Porto Alegre, has advised Barça about the brazilian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The market of signings of the FC Barcelona has several names stood out, and one of them is the one of Arthur. The midfield player has happened to be an indispensable piece for the future to a footballer transferible, since Juventus and Inter of Milan have asked after his situation and in the City Condal has not closed him the door of conclusive form. On this subject has thought an expert that knows him to perfection.

Romildo Bolzan, president of the Guild of Carry Cheerful, has been rotundo, and has signalled that he would not change him by Miralem Pjanic. The leader has advised to the Barcelona and has recommended them that have patience with a player that has it everything to turn into a leader of his medullary. Even admitting that it still has not been able to show his best version in the Camp Nou, in an interview conceded to the 'Chain COPE', has affirmed to be convinced that it goes to triumph.

The Brazilian considers that it did not do fault a cession before carrying him to the Camp Nou, and has defined some characteristics that do of the young a perfect piece for the system barcelonista: "Arthur knows the one who has to do. It is a player very very formed, intelligent and knows perfectly the one who has to do. I think that they do not do lacking cessions. Arthur has technical conditions to play well in the Barça. His conditions does that it can go directly to Barcelona".

"Arthur is a player technically very good, is a crack. It participates perfectly in the game and can dominate entirely the party. Has capacity to arrive to goal. It is truth that has been able to go through some phase in which it has not answered to the expectations, but is a player that will be extremely important in any club that was, is lúcido, clear, intelligent, able to articulate a whole team. It surprises me that it speak of his future and that the Barça can leave it leave, because in the Guild already was a crack", has argued.

When it has been questioned directly in case has what does fault to be a reference in the room of machines, has not walked with detours, and has answered without hesitating: "Yes. Has all the technical conditions to be the leader of the half of the field of the Barça. The Barça has players consecrated worldwide, but Arthur for me, also is to the height of these players. Has technical concepts, tactical and of vision of sufficient game to be the leader of the Barça".

The Barça still has not paid to Arthur in his whole

Bolzan Also has referred to the businesses between Barça and Guild, and has ensured that Arthur still is not paid of the everything: "No, still no. There is a variable part that depends on things that have not fulfilled . But we are near to earn them all, there is some bonus that still have not fulfilled . The bonus are by renewals, to play, by minutes... And there is any for the player also. Such as we are, in a context of world-wide crisis, are in a reasonable price to day of today, a just price in relation to the Brazilian market and European":

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