Leo Messi and Arthur celebrate a goal of the FC Barcelona


Problems for the Barça in the zone of creation: The possible substitutes of Arthur

Published:8/02/2019 - 15:43h

Updated:8/02/2019 - 15:43h

The FC Barcelona has lost to Arthur in a moment key of the campaign, in which it will have to face commitments in League, Champions and Glass of Rey. These are the possible substitutes that could employ Ernesto Valverde to cover the drop of the Brazilian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The season 2018-19 is not being easy for the FC Barcelona in matter of injuries, and this Friday has arrived another hard hit with the drop of ArthurThe one of Goiania will be between three and four weeks in the dry dam, and loses some very demanding examinations in League, Champions and Glass of Rey. Ernesto Valverde already looks for solutions for a team with serious problems in the zone of creation.

And it is that in spite of that there are spare players as to form an alignment of a lot of carats, the muscular problems of the Brazilian coincide with the annoyances of Leo Messi, what is a more important headache because it loses to the best agent of the possession of the staff and also to the best accelerator, although the true is that the Argentinian is a total footballer and stands out in all the facets of the game.

If something has showed the team is that has alternative, systems and arms to go out forward, but will have to do it through other virtues. It does not go to lose the style and the offensive character and the initiative will keep on being part of the Barcelona proposal, but will have to take advantage of the qualities of other midfield players to step with firmness on the way to the titles.

Explaining that Sergio Busquets and Ivan Rakitic are indisputable and only will abandon the eleven by sanction or rotation, remains a vacancy in which it fit the ex of the Guild of Carry Cheerful, that now is free and to disposal of a bunch of applicants. These are the possible substitutes of Arthur in the month that the youngster will have to devote to work in his recovery.

The possible reliefs of Arthur in the eleven of the Barça

Arturo Vidal

It is the most natural option because already it has used in several occasions, and probably the one who take more weight while they go going in the rotations. This bet displaces to Rakitic to the left and contributes something less than control at the same time that great arrival, because the Chilean occupies more terrain and shows more to the area.

Philippe Coutinho

Many demand to Coutinho like spare crashes of Arthur, but does not seem a possibility that contemplate Valverde. It is true that the creativity characterises to the ex of the Liverpool and that already had participated like interior in Anfield and in the selection, but his greater tactical anarchy and a lower route limit his capacity to help in defensive questions. Besides, the carioca does not go through a good moment, what would suppose a risk if it does not attain to give a hit on the table in a more sensitive zone to the pressure and the rival attacks.

Carles Aleñá

The canterano can be one of the big benefited of the absence of the young, since if it was beginning to take leadership, now will have even more. The one of Mataró knows how it is necessary to play because it carries years of 'study' in the Masia, but like Arturo Vidal, is more given to the speed, arrival and shot that to the pause and the management of the balloon.

Sergi Roberto

Sergi Roberto is a joker whose natural place is the medullary, but this would mean to weaken the right side. Nélson Semedo Could occupy it without problem and the one of Reus act in the room of machines, but in case of fatigue or injury, the defence also would remain engaged. It can be a solution of emergency in some parties.

Sergi Samper

The Barcelonan hardly is having prominence, but this vacancy can give him an opportunity. It can manage as much as pivote as of interior, and it will be necessary to see if the Txingurri takes into account his candidature for something more than fulfilling file in the announcements.


These options could give in case of need, but would be something more experimental. They are not few those that have warned that Jean-Clair Todibo is central but feels comfortable in the centre of the field, and if it acts like pivote could displace to Busquets to one of the interiors. Something more natural would be Riqui Puig or Oriol Busquets, but the club is protecting to the youngsters and with so much requirement by the way does not seem clear that go to give the jump.

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