Riqui Puig in a Barça's first team training session | FCB


Riqui Puig y Collado, the antidotes of the Masia before Arthur's injury

Published:6/03/2020 - 13:50h

Updated:6/03/2020 - 13:50h

Arthur Melo has caused drop in the training of this Friday and will not be able to play against the Real Sociedad. In front of this, Quique Setién has thrown of the Masia summoning to Riqui Puig and Hill

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The training of this Friday has had the stood out absence of Arthur Melo that, according to the communiqué of the FC Barcelona, "suffers an injury in the right ankle. The player is making treatment with factors of growth jointly with the team of the doctor Ramon Cugat. It is drop and his evolution will mark his availability". Thus, it will not be able to be available to play in front of the Real Sociedad this Saturday.

The own Quique Setién, in press conference, explained that the Brazilian midfield player "has a pain and has initiated him a treatment. It is necessary to be slopes of how evolves. I can not say you more". Thus, the Cantabrian threw again of the Masia to complete the list of summoned to measure to the group txuri-urdin and so much Riqui Puig like Àlex Hill were summoned.

In fact, Setién already explained after his arrival to the FC Barcelona that came with a clear mentality to throw of the Masia in case that they were missing resources for the first team. One of the players that seemed that it would benefit of this situation was the own Riqui Puig, that did not take too much in having minutes with the 'greater' being even title in some party. Nevertheless, his leadership had reduced in the last weeks.

In front of the Real Sociedad, the one of Matadepera will go back to the team and, given the drop of Arthur, could go back to have minutes in the second time. Hill, by his part, also splits with options to play, since all aims that Setién will recover the 4-3-3 and the one of Sabadell has the advantage to be able to act so much of extreme as of interior.

Riqui Puig has to improve

Setién Explained that Riqui Puig does not play as much as would wish because still it is missing him learn some tactical concepts. "There are things that has to improve. The football has complicated . No voucher only with being a big player, can be very desequilibrante to in front, but have to have a capacity to defend, work and read the situations", commented, in some recent statements for the The Avant-garde.

The trainer santanderino reiterated that Riqui Puig has potential of face to the future, but did not hide that the youngster canterano has to improve in the work without balloon if it wants to have more opportunities. "With the balloon yes, very well, but afterwards there is a defensive work and there are concepts in which it has to improve. It happens them to all. Riqui Has a lot of potential, as it has it Hill", sentenced.

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