Arthur Melo, during an expedition with the FC Barcelona


SCANDAL! Arthur suffers an accident and gives positive in a test of alcohol

Published:17/08/2020 - 14:13h

Updated:17/08/2020 - 18:36h

Arthur Melo, officially player of the Juventus, has starred a new scandal when crashing with his Ferrari and give positive in the control of alcohol

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Brazilian midfield player of the Juventus of Turín and recent ex player of the FC Barcelona, Arthur Melo, has starred a new scandal extradeportivo in the last hours. The one of Goiania has suffered an accident with his Ferrari in Palafrugell, in the Catalan Costa Brava, and afterwards has given positive in the control of alcoholemia, rebasando the limit of 0,50 mg/litre when giving 0,55 mg/litre in the alcoholímetro.

The 'Diari of Girona' has been the first media in informing of this, after the facts have sucedido to high hours of this past morning in Calella of Palafrugell, in the Costa Brava. Everything happened in the centre of the mentioned place: the footballer went up to the footpath to the steering wheel of his Ferrari and finish bumping with a farola, probably by fault of his state of drunkenness.

It was then when the Mossos d'Esquadra personaron in the lugaron and carried out the pertinent control of alcholemia, when seeing from the first moment that the player walked something prejudiced. The case is that Arthur Melo gave at all less than 0,55 mg/litre of air expired, what will suppose a penal sanction and no only administrative, since the limit is 0,50 mg/litre.

Also the suspension of the carnet to drive between six months to a year, by what will have to give his first steps in Turín in public transport. Without place to doubts, treats of an event that marks even more his image mediática, and that will have caused with all probability that the leaders of the Juventus, that have spent 72 million euros in his signing, carry the hands in command.

Arthur wins to pulse the fame of rebellious

It is not, in any case, the first act of rebeldía of Arthur. It does half year already escaped to Andorra to practise snowboard when it was convaleciente of a pubalgia, and before this went to the party of Neymar Jr to Paris when they were missing two days for the Classical. It does some weeks, without going more far, declared directly in rebeldía and did not attend to the proofs PCR after the week of rest after LaLiga, without wanting to train neither participate more with the rest of the team in spite of having still valid agreement.

This next Monday is programmed his first training with the Juventus of Turín. It will be necessary to see with what expensive receive him the leaders of the group 'bianconeri' and his new mates. The player and the occupants of the vehicle have not suffered any physical mishap and find in mint condition of health. And neither any citizen of the place resulted injured. Pure luck.

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