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Summit between Arthur and Setién to find out their state of mind

Published:27/06/2020 - 08:56h

Updated:27/06/2020 - 08:56h

Arthur Melo is to a step of the Juventus of Turín, but will finish the season with the FC Barcelona. Quique Setién wanted to know how was anímicamente

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Arthur Melo is very near to certify his signing​ by the Juventus of Turín in return of Miralem Pjanic and 10 million euros. The exit of the Brazilian, more than a question futbolística, is an economic need to balance the accounts of the FC Barcelona in the present economic exercise, that finalises this same 30 June. Before this date, the agreement between both parts will do official and the Brazilian will be player of the 'Vecchia Signora'.

Of course, they are days very convulsos for a footballer that wished of full heart remain in the Camp Nou to triumph as Barcelona but that has seen forced so much by his club as by the insistence of the Juventus to change of airs. But in spite of the moved that are being these days for Arthur, the goiano has to also be centred in the sportive, since the Barça plays LaLiga Santander and the Champions League in the two next months.

Given the difficult circumstances, Quique Setién kept a summit with Arthur to know at first hand the state anímico of the midfield player, according to desvelaba the newspaper 'Ace' this same Friday. It was before the ultima session of training, previous to the party against the Celtic of Vigo, and footballer commented him to his technician that, in spite of the current situation, is prepared to play in Galician earths.

especulaba That it could happen this same weekend the medical review in Turín with the Juventus, but now the player has to be centred in the Barça. It is necessary to take into account that Setién has important drops in the centre of the field like the ones of Frenkie of Jong or Sergi Roberto by injury and Sergio Busquets by sanction, reason by which Arthur is very necessary in front of the fault of effective in the medullary.

Like this it spoke Setién of Arthur in press conference

In the previous press conference to the party against the Celtic of Vigo, the journalists subjected to Setién to an intense interrogation on Arthur. "In principle I follow having he, is a player that go to need because it is an important player", ensured, adding that "it is necessary to treat that all this noise do not affect him and that in case that it have to go out to play that it treat to give the best of himself same".

On the other hand, the technician culé left clear that trusts the professionalism of Arthur. "It has to have clear that the season has not finished, that still remain parties very important and he, like the rest, sure that it wants to finish well, win some title and leave a good memory. I understand that the circumstances that have lived has carried to this way, but understand that the professionalism and honesty of all the players goes to be until the last day", sentenced.

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