Ansu Fati, player of the FC Barcelona


SURVEY: Is Ansu Fati the ideal heir to Barça's number '10'?

Published:4/09/2021 - 17:57h

Updated:4/09/2021 - 17:57h

After ten months in the dry dam, Ansu Fati will take action with the FC Barcelona, with a new dorsal historical for the culés: the number '10'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

From his debut with the first team of the FC Barcelona, on 25 August 2019 in a party in front of the Real Betis (5-2), Ansu Fati has been called to be the next 'crack' Barcelona and the natural heir of the throne that until does few weeks occupied Lionel Messi. The footballer of 18 years impressed, from the beginning, to all the trainers and to the barcelonismo with his potential, smell goleador and ease to generate danger with little. A profile that, without doubts, enamora to all the Barça.

It is the youngest player in annotating a goal in official party with the Barcelona and the owner of other so many records more, that turn him into a player in which the Barça trusts of face to the future, in addition to his infinite illusion for defending to the club of his life. In the good and bad moments, has showed his values and appreciate by the team in which it has grown and has turned into the player that is nowadays.

Already in the beginning of the past season left in sight his big potential and dressed of leader when players with more 'importance' in the field were not enchufados (Lionel Messi and Antoine Griezmann), being key so that the picture directed by Ronald Koeman was able of 'start' the course, with several problems on the way, but with a goleador born.

Of there that it was not a big surprise that was the natural heir of the dorsal '10', a number that historically the Barça has reserved for his bigger stars and that with Leo Messi obtained a totally distinct meaning. Nevertheless, the decision of the club to offer him the '10', after happening little more than ten months recovering of an injury, has generated opinions found, reason by which from 'FCBN' arises us the interrogante of if Ansu Fati is at present the ideal heir of a dorsal that represents a lot of for the culés.

THE POLL You think that Ansu Fati is the ideal heir of the dorsal '10'?

It fits to remember that at the beginning of November of 2020, in front of the Betis (team against which debuted, also), Ansu Fati suffered a break of the internal meniscus of the left knee that, in principle, after a first intervention quirúrjica, supposed that it went to be drop by four months. Finally, it has extended to six more by all the complications that has had during his process of recovery, which has been all less simple.

Ansu Has had to happen until twice more by the operating theatre, since in front of the increase of the load of work, his left knee inflamed . It has been, as little, an ordeal, but is very near to put an end him to this hard stage. It is to few weeks to receive the high definite doctor and the FC Barcelona will be able to have his 'wonderkid' to half of this month of September, in the party in front of the Granada in the Camp Nou, if all keep well as up to now.

New stage... And more responsibilities

Carry the '10' to the backs supposes a big responsibility, especially in a club like the Barça. Up to now, the offensive leader of the team has been being Memphis Depay, but with the return (little by little) of Ansu, the canterano will assume more chevrons in the offensive. This yes, from the technical direction do not want to precipitate neither step in false, by what his turn to the game will do by stages, because it is not easy to return to 100% after ten months in the dry dam.

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