Philippe Coutinho, celebrating the goal against the Seville


Philippe Coutinho's agent pronounces on his future

Published:28/11/2020 - 18:56h

Updated:28/11/2020 - 18:56h

During the last days, the future of Philippe Coutinho has gone back to put in doubt. Kia Joorabchian, his agent, spoke on this possibility

Calendar of FC Barcelona

During the last days, the future of Philippe Coutinho is being put in doubt. Already they are varied the rumours that link the figure of the international Brazilian to a possible traspaso in the month of January that help to solve the difficult economic situation of the club, since the sale of the carioca would suppose a good quantity of income in addition to an important saving in index cards.

In the first place, it went the 'Wolf' Carrasco, ex footballer of the FC Barcelona and at present articulista and tertuliano in 'The Chiringuito of Jugones', the one who informed about the intentions of the Barcelona club, that could be the ones to sell to Philippe Coutinho or, in his defect, to Antoine Griezmann. This Saturday has been the Italian press the one who has left to fall the possibility that the carioca change of airs.

According to the informations of the skilled portal in signings 'Calciomercato', the FC Barcelona would have offered to Philippe Coutinho to the Juventus of Turín to close an agreement this same month of January, although the group 'bianconero' also has weakened his accounts and would see complicated to offer an important quantity by eñ international Brazilian.

Besides, Kia Joorabchian, one of the agents of Philippe Coutinho, conceded some statements to the newspaper 'Sportive World' to answer to the informations desveladas by 'Calciomercato'. "I have not listened at all and we do not have plans to move us of the Barça, and yes that Philippe Coutinho can contribute to a successful season", signalled the representative of the Brazilian.

Therefore, it does not seem that Philippe Coutinho have intention any to leave of the FC Barcelona in the next month of January and more taking into account that Ronald Koeman is having he when it is not lesionado. In fact, it went the Dutch technician the one who asked that the Brazilian went back to the Barcelona staff after his cession to the Bayern of Munich the past campaign.

Philippe Coutinho has agreement with the FC Barcelona hastael month of June of 2023 and, after in the most expensive signing of the history of the club, seems to have between eyebrow and eyebrow triumph as Barcelona. In the present season, his level has increased of important form and, to day of today, is a key piece for Ronald Koeman that follows trusting he.

Coutinho Goes in in the plans of Koeman


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