Gerard Piqué after his injury


Doctor Cugat pronounces on Gerard Piqué's injury

Published:23/11/2020 - 13:21h

Updated:23/11/2020 - 13:21h

The Doctor Ramón Cugat, that will visit this Wednesday to Gerard Hammered by his grave injury of knee, spoke on the treatments that can follow the central Catalan

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Doctor Ramón Cugat has added like new member of the candidature of Víctor Font in the next elections to the presidency of the FC Barcelona. During his presentation, foreseen from does time, has pronounced on the grave injury of knee that produced Gerard Hammered the past Saturday against the Athletic of Madrid in Wanda Metropolitan, in a party that finish with defeat of lso Barcelona.

Gerard Hammered, to the that has diagnosed him a sprain of degree 3 in the internal lateral ligament and a partial injury of the ligament crossed previous of the right knee, will be visited next Wednesday by the Doctor Ramón Cugat, that will give a definite verdict. By the moment, the prestigious traumatologist has not wanted to wet: "Until it do not see him it can not do a diagnostic. Then we will decide which treatment it is necessary to follow".

"The Wednesday will decide the treatment that has to follow Hammered"

The Doctor Ramón Cugat has left clear that, depending of the degree of affectation of the ligament crossed previous, it will be necessary to operate or no. "Speak now of terms of drop is to play to the lottery, because each knee is different. It is necessary to be careful, see the affectation of the crusader and then will decide the treatment to be followed, if it is necessary to operate or bet by one less traumatic. Still we do not know which treatment will follow, if surgical or no", commented.

It considers, besides, that the fact that there is not liquid in the knee of Gerard Hammered make possible to bet by a conservative treatment, less harmful that an operation. "In addition to the injury of the crusader, has the injury of the internal lateral ligament, that with biological therapies can cure . And in this case there is not liquid in the knee, a fact that plays in favour of the possible conservative treatment", said.

However, Ramón Cugat finish remembering that it is the player the one who at the end decides. "The aim is to leave the knee the most stable possible. The players are used to to prefer the less traumatic treatment, if there is possibility. The doctor proposes, but the one who commands is the footballer, advises him , explains him and he takes the definite decision", said, remembering that "it is not the same to treat an injury like this if the player is 17 years old, that if has 33".

In the candidature of Víctor Font

On the fact to go in like candidate beside Víctor Font, the Doctor Ramón Cugat remembered his links with the Barcelona. "I am linked to the Barça since I began to play in juvenile. Always I have procured to help to the club and liked me a lot the project of Víctor Font", commented, adding that "I will be able to help with my experience. I will improve the relations between the medical department".

Víctor Font also pronounced , ensuring that "we look for people that have experience in his respective areas. It is a new managerial model in which there are not charges, there are people with knowledges to take the big decisions in plots like sport, company and institutional". Now, it adds a prestigious doctor to his project.

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