Ter Stegen partido2


The encouraging message from Ter Stegen after confirming that he will have to undergo surgery

Published:5/12/2023 - 19:28h

Updated:5/12/2023 - 19:40h

Marc-André ter Stegen will be away from the Barça team for several months due to the operation he must undergo. Faced with this situation, the German goalkeeper has decided to send a message of encouragement to the fans in which he explains what motivated him to make this decision

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona announced recently, through a communiqué, what came rumoreando from does some days. Unfortunately, the guardameta German Marc-André ter Stegen has not attained to recover satisfactorily of his problems of back, by what will have to subject to a surgery to solve this problem.

Following this pronouncement of the club, the ex of the Borussia Mönchengladbach has not remained backwards and has used his social networks to issue a brief but significant communiqué in this regard of the decision taken. "After intense conversations with the medical team of the Club and several experts of support, decide to subject us to a surgical procedure".

In this sense, the cancerbero germano, the one who expects that it was out of the terrains of game during a period of two to three months, losing several parties of LaLiga and the dispute of the Supercopa of Spain, and putting in danger his participation in the eighth of final of the League of Champions, stood out that "the pause obviously is annoying". Nevertheless, it did not doubt in affirming that it is the "correct and safe decision to return to the club in the best possible conditions".

Absolute confidence of the Barça in Iñaki Crag

Now it will be necessary to see which will be the posture of the club with regard to the estimate of the length of the absence of Ter Stegen. Splitting of the premise that it will trust him the goal to Iñaki Crag, the one who already has showed to be a reliable goalkeeper in the clashes against the Port wine and the Athletic, remains for deciding if they will opt by Ander Astralaga like second goalkeeper of staff or if they will prefer fichar to a guardameta more experienced and 'low cost' that it can exert like acting and generate a healthy competition for the Alicante.

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