Arthur in a match of Barça in LaLiga


Arthur's mother, indignant, responds to Quique Setién

Published:27/06/2020 - 09:34h

Updated:27/06/2020 - 09:34h

Quique Setién spoke on the possible course of Arthur Melo in the last press conference that offered. His mother, indignant, answered with forcefulness

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The pandemia of the coronavirus has generated an important effect dominated. In the first place, by the negative economic impact that has had on the liquidity of the clubs that, have had to do 'financial engineering' to square his balances; second, because to carry out it have to sell players but, when finishing the economic exercise this 30 June, the traspasos have to make with parties at stake by the delay in the calendar.

Examples of this financial engineering are cases like the one of the FC Barcelona or the Juventus of Turín, that have put of agreement for an exchange of players in which Arthur Melo will go to the Italian picture by 70 millions and Miralem Pjanic to the Catalan by ten 'kilos' less. Nevertheless, all this arrives in the middle of a full calendar of parties in which both teams play the season.

Some sectors of the press aim that the Brazilian will travel this same weekend to Turín to happen the medical recognition with the Juventus, but this Saturday the culés had split against the Celtic of Vigo. Finally, Arthur went in in the list of summoned to play against the Galicians, but of course the journalists asked him to Quique Setién by the Brazilian in press conference.

The technician santanderino, far to defend with nails and teeth that Arthur remain , adopted a moderate and understanding speech with the need of the club to sell him. The words of the trainer of the first team of the Barça seemed not liking to Lúcia of Melo, that answered him with forcefulness. "Mine god. Now they begin to put him defects to the player", regretted in social networks after the words of Setién.

The speech of Setién that angered to the mother of Arthur

In press conference, Setién did not wet neither in favour neither against of the course of the Brazilian,​ although it left to fall that the Brazilian never arrived to cuajar. "It is not the first player that index card with some expectations that at the end no fructifican. I do not know if it will happen with Arthur but happens him to a lot of players. It will have interested that they see a good opportunity for the club and another that will think that it is better that remain ", commented.

The Cantabrian even insinuated that to Arthur is missing him speed of game. "Perhaps it has been missing him continuity but sometimes is not easy to change things of a footballer. Things that other trainers have said him that it does it very well. Here we have said him that it has to play to two touch, but he is to protect the balloon", ensured. A message that evidence that Setién does not finish to be convinced of the profile of Arthur to play in the Barça.

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