The players of Barça in a training session | FCB


Barça players have already been tested for the coronavirus

Published:6/05/2020 - 14:27h

Updated:6/05/2020 - 14:27h

The players of the first staff of the FC Barcelona have happened this Wednesday in the morning the medical examinations of the coronavirus in the Ciutat Esportiva

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Wednesday was the day. The players of the first team of football of the FC Barcelona were this morning in the Ciutat Esportiva to do the pertinent medical examinations that desvelarán if any of them has contracted coronavirus. After 53 days without activity, the installations of the Barcelona club have returned on time to know if the players will be able to initiate the trainings.

Of course, it has been very escrupuloso so that the players and members of the staff technical of Quique Setién have been able to happen the test with full security. All they have arrived to the Ciutat Esportiva in his vehicles of staggered form, in groups of two people, and some of them have done it using mask and gloves. Those that have not done use of said instruments, have received them later by part of the club.

The first proof that has made them to all they when arriving to the installations of the FC Barcelona has been the taking of temperature, since the fever is one of the most recognizable symptoms of the coronavirus. Later, it has happened to make the tests extracting samples of mucosa of each one and also extracting blood for his back analysis serológico.

In addition to all these proofs to determine if any of the players or technicians is infected, also has proceeded to do electrocardiogramas to the footballers to determine his state after several weeks without any type of competitive activity. Finally, each one has received a biodegradable stock exchange with the clothes that will have to carry put from house for the turn to the trainings.

After they know the results of the test, the footballers that have negative die (expects that they are all) will be able to begin to exercise of individual form in the installations of the Ciutat Esportiva, something that foresees already for finals of this week. Usually, the results know 48 hours after the proofs, by what the trainings could return this Friday.

Turn to a very conditioned normality

Little by little, therefore, everything prepares to go back to a moderate normality and the players will be able to restart the fitness before restarting the competition, if possible, during the month of June. Of course, still there are not official dates for the resumption of the competitions, but in the measure that the sanitary authorities allow it, will go back the parties. This yes, without public and with some players whose physical state will be an incógnita.

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