Frenkie de Jong, beside Ronald Koeman


Ronald Koeman's warning to Frenkie de Jong

Published:26/10/2020 - 17:50h

Updated:27/10/2020 - 15:29h

Ronald Koeman headed to Frenkie of Jong in the selection of the Low Countries and now does it in the FC Barcelona. Before his signing by the culés, the technician launched him a warning

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This is the second season of Frenkie of Jong in the FC Barcelona​ and, after more than a year in the Camp Nou, expects that the international Dutch step advance regarding his importance in the team. In an interview conceded to the official media of the UEFA, the young midfield player did balance of his first campaign like culé.

Frenkie Of Jong ensured to have adapted perfectly to the life in Barcelona, being besides very to taste in said city. "It is very comfortable. It is very good because the climate is very good, better that in Holland. Have the beach, the mountains and the people is very kind with me. I am enjoying a lot to live in Barcelona", manifested.

It believes, besides, that the FC Barcelona is very connected to Holland by the big players of said country that have played in the Camp Nou. "I think that it is very popular in Holland because a lot of Dutch players have played in the FC Barcelona and, of course, Johan Cruyff, that is the Dutch player bigger of all time; it played here and had a big influence in the club", said.

"Koeman Said me: 'Have taken care in Barcelona'"

Besides, Frenkie of Jong desveló also the council that gave him Ronald Koeman before fichar by the FC Barcelona: "I Spoke with him and it was very positive about the FC Barcelona like club and of Barcelona like city. What said me was almost all positive. Only it said me that it had to have care, that would not have to go too much to restaurants or eat too much, because the life is very good in Barcelona and, sometimes, can feel that you are on holiday all the year. Simply it said: 'Have taken care with this and, in which respecta to the rest, everything is very well'. At the end, the football is the main".

Frenkie Of Jong is, loved to go back to work with Ronald Koeman after having it done in the selection. "I think that the communication between us is very good and he says me exactly what wants of me in this position, think that everything is very clear. When speech, listen him because has this authority, that can-do not know how explain it- and, of course, has a lot of knowledge futbolístico because it understands the game and went a big player before. If it treats to teach you something, listen", signalled.

The international Dutch also thinks that to play in the FC Barcelona is serving him to improve to all the levels. "I think that always it is complicated to know if you have learnt this or the another. Simply you are developing you like person and like footballer because you train and play to the level that have in the Barcelona (...). Improvements like player", ensured.

Frenkie Of Jong also spoke on his mates. Of Miralem Pjanic ensured that "it is a big player. It feels very comfortable with the balloon. I think that it sees the played very well and his shot, his pass, his pass in long... They are very good (...). I am very happy that it have joined to us", adding that "when have to Leo Messi in your team, of course that have to the best of the world, then treat to achieve him the best positions to do the difference. I think that we have to adapt us to him".

His ideal position

In his first season in the FC Barcelona, Frenkie of Jong played like interior but now does it like mediocentro, in a more adapted role to his qualities. "I think that in my nature like player, want to receive the prompt balloon and create the played. I think that that is my style of game, more than expecting and receive it up and touch less. I seat me more comfortable in the position of pivote that further up, but also can play here. It does not matter too much, but, if I have to choose, I prefer to play in the double pivote that, for example, of mediapunta", sentenced.

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