Todibo In a party with the Schalke


Todibo sería la segunda venta después de Arthur

Published:27/06/2020 - 10:54h

Updated:27/06/2020 - 11:50h

The sale of Arthur will give margin to the FC Barcelona to follow treating the 'operation gone out'. Jean-Clair Todibo aims to be the next traspasado culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona knew that it had to move with agility in the market to cover his deficit in the balances of the present course. According to several sectors of the press, this Sunday will announce the traspaso of Arthur Melo to the Juventus of Turín by some 70 million euros -will arrive Miralem Pjanic by other 60 'kilos'- and the urgencies of the Catalan entity will not have to give with so much immediacy.

The sale of the Brazilian will serve to balance the balances before 30 June, by what from now the Barça will have more margin of manoeuvre to the hour to sell. According to the informations published by the Sportive World this Saturday, the Barcelona club has in Jean-Clair Todibo the next important name in key of market, by what could be the second in leaving after Arthur.

To the start of the present season, the Frenchman began explaining for Ernesto Valverde in the first team but, in front of his fault of minutes and in front of the preferences of the Txingurri by Ronald Araújo, head office of the filial, Todibo remained in second plane and left yielded to the Schalke 04. Owing to the coronavirus, the group germano will not be able to pay the 25 million euros of his option of purchase, by what the club looks for him now an exit.

Nevertheless, after the sale of Arthur, the Barça no longer has so much haste for selling. It is thus that the culés go to be very firm regarding the minimum price of exit of Todibo, that will not be another that the 25 million euros that demanded him to the Schalke. A price that, taking into account that the Frenchman arrived by so alone a 'kilo' pertinent of the Toulouse, would convert the operation in a round business.

Besides, we are speaking of a footballer that, to his 20 years, has a lot of margin of improvement and a lot of poster in Europe. There are several clubs that already have interested in him: Everton, Watford and Southampton in the Premier League English; Naples in the Series To Italian; Colony in the Bundesliga German; and even it likes a lot to Monchi, sportive director of the Seville.

Confidence in Ronald Araújo

It does some months, many saw to Jean-Clair Todibo like a central with a lot of potential to play in the first team of the FC Barcelona, but seems that there is something that does not convince neither to the club neither to the technical area. It is thus that will bet by the sale of the French to do box, whereas the bet of the club will be by Ronald Araújo,​ that aims very good ways to his 21 years.

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