Burn Turan and Rafinha Alcántara in a training of the FC Barcelona


Visit of Rafinha Alcántara to Burn Turan in Turkey with included anecdote

Published:8/09/2018 - 20:27h

Updated:9/09/2018 - 20:34h

The players of the FC Barcelona that do not have international commitments enjoy of some free days, and varied have taken advantage of them to do some trip. Rafinha Alcántara has visited to Burn Turan in Turkey, in a day that has finish with anecdote

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After several days of trainings in the Sportive City, the footballers of the FC Barcelona that do not have international commitments have obtained a permission of Ernesto Valverde, that left them Friday, Saturday and free Sunday. Varied have taken advantage of to do some trips, and one of the most curious has been the one of Rafinha Alcántara. 

In spite of that it has not cleared if it has been by pleasure or a visit expresses, the case is that the Brazilian has been beside Burn Turan in Istanbul, where has shared some hours beside an ex mate with which forged a big friendship. Along the past campaign, the one of Sao Paulo and the one of Fatih were separated during several months, and seems that his retreat finish joining them quite.

The reasons could not be more distinct, and is that the ex of the Athletic of Madrid did not explain for the technician and did not accept an exit before January, whereas the midfield player was lesionado. Finally, both did the cases in the wintry market, and first course to the Istambul Basaksehir and the second way to the Inter of Milan.

Now, the sanction by an aggression to a referee has to the Turkish out of fight, although it has received spirits of a fellow nearer of what could seem. In a photography in the social networks, the canterano showed that they were dining with some known more, and has devoted him the message: "On the past night. Thank you, brother"

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About last night. Thank you brother @ardaturan

A publication shared of Rafinha Alcantara (@rafinhaaa93) the8 Sep, 2018 to the 1:56 PDT

Rafinha Lived a funny anecdote in Turkey

In addition to sharing time with Burn, Rafinha took advantage of to travel around by Istanbul, and finish sharing a funny anecdote. When happening beside some boys that were playing in a park, the Brazilian received a pass, and gave it back with so bad puntería that left it in the glass of a near bush.

Obviously, the guffaws cebaron with the professional footballer, that knew to laugh of himself same and excusó with the words that accompanied to the video. "I'm sorry boys, is my free day", aimed the Brazilian, that also comparía icons of lamentación and some of guffaws.

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Sorryyy boys!!! It's my day off??‍♂️?? #whonever

A publication shared of Rafinha Alcantara (@rafinhaaa93) the8 Sep, 2018 to the 8:39 PDT

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