Ousmane Dembélé Greets to Xavi Hernández / Image: Twitter Official FCB


Xavi, forceful with the 'Dembélé case': "Either renew or find a way out"

Published:19/01/2022 - 13:22h

Updated:19/01/2022 - 16:56h

Xavi Hernández spoke at a press conference this Wednesday about the 'Dembélé case'. The Frenchman still does not renew and his coach made it very clear that if he does not accept Barça's offer, the only way out is for him to leave in January

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Hernández appeared this Wednesday in press conference before the eighth of final of the Glass of the King against the Athletic Club. The technician, as it has occurred always in his previous appearances, had to answer to the questions on the called 'case Dembélé. The French follows without accepting the proposal of renewal of the FC Barcelona and his situation is limit, reason whereby in the entity want to solve it all immediately.

The technician of Terrassa, that always has defended to Ousmane, left clear in front of the means that the Frenchman only has two options on of the table: renew or leave in this month of January. "Or it contemplates that it renew the player or look for an exit. There are not more solutions. We are in a situation complicated. I have been very clear with Ousmane. He wants to renew, but does not take the decision and like club have to take one. It is a penalty, because futbolísticamente knows the project that there is. It has played all the possible minutes and he has the frying pan for the mango", commented.

The egarense kept his firm speech on what will happen with the one of Vernon and left the ball in his roof. "He says me that it wants to renew and continue. It is a question for him. Tomorrow we have a transcendental party for us. I have been very clear. There are two solutions: or it renews or it looks for a solution so that it go out of the club. That is the decision that have taken", repeated.

On the other hand, it did not want to desvelar if this contractual problem will do him lose the duel of Glass in front of the Athletic. "Tomorrow we will decide", it said. The míster neither discovered if to Dembélé could him command to the terracing in case of not renewing. If it finish agreement... It depends on the situation that are. This case is complex and has arrived a moment that we have to decide like club", indicated.

Xavi asked a gesture to Dembélé

Besides, Xavi launched a 'dart' to the attacker, to the that asked a gesture with the Barça to the hour to renew by the economic problems of the club. "We are in a situation with problems of the margin salarial. The player would have to think in the team", stood out. In this sense, to finish, insisted in the posture of the entity. "I do not want to be missing the respect to anybody, but the message is clear. The solution is that it renew or look for an exit", concluded.

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