Ferran Torres celebrates with Ansu Fati his goal against Elche


Solution until Vitor Roque arrives? Xavi tries Ferran Torres again as '9'

Published:21/07/2023 - 21:44h

Updated:21/07/2023 - 21:44h

Ferran Torres could be Robert Lewandoski's 'substitute' until Vitor Roque arrives at FC Barcelona, in 2024. The man from Egar has tried him again as a center forward, a position in which he has played before but in which he does not feel completely comfortable

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In front of the 'reality' that Robert Lewandowski will not have an acting natural until Vitor Roque land in the club in 2024, Xavi Hernández looks for alternatives in his staff so that all the quota goleadora was not responsibility of the Polish forward. Ferran Torres is one of the alternatives that handles the egarense, place is more than familiarised with the position. There 'it shined' with the Manchester City and the selection of Spain.

Up to now, in the FC Barcelona the attacker of Foios has played, almost of permanent way, in the extremes. By the right is where feels more comfortable, but has appeared with solvency in the left. It has left backwards, practically, the possibility to play as false nine, but in the 2023-2024 that could be his big opportunity to win a place in the plans of the trainer egarene. Already it has tested him, during a training of pre-season in Los Angeles, and no descarta that it can repeat much more.

Ferran Torres already knows what is to play of '9'

In the last season, Ferran split only in eight occasions like leading centre. Saldó His performances with a goal, in front of the 18 apparitions by the left and 15 like right extreme. It is a very versatile player that can surrender in the three positions of the attack, but without place to doubts stepped backwards during the course happened in front of the fault of regularity and the competition 'overwhelming' with Robert Lewandowski, Ousmane Dembélé and Raphinha by in front of him. It finished 'battling' with Ansu Fati the place of fourth attacker.

The surprising is that, since it landed in the Barça in 2022, has left to play -practically- as false nine. With Pep Guardiola in the Manchester City had stood out in this position and began to despuntar like goleador. The trainer of Santpedor identified and took advantage of that it is a player that, even splitting from the band, tends to fall to the centre of the attack and has 'good' relation of face to the rival goal. In fact, in 2021 the Catalan trainer aimed that "we have discovered that in the position of leading centre has some movements to the level of the best. Very resembled the ones of Jamie Vardy and this type of footballers. It moves incredibly well. It is a good finalizador and is very young".

The bet by Ferran Torres moved to the selection of Spain, with Luis Enrique, and went the same of effective. Despuntó Like a machine to do goals and rectified like the '9' headline of 'The Red'. It was one of the protagonists of the goleada in front of Germany of 2020, with 'hat-trick' to his name, or of the semifinals of the Nations League against Italy with a doublet.

Ferran Torres, a 'signing' of luxury if it recovers his best version

If Xavi achieves to recover the best version of the Valencian footballer, would be achieving a big 'reinforcement' for his forward. The aim is that it go back to be so incisive, determinant and brave as it had showed to be in the Etihad Stadium or in Mestalla. Although it has lost confidence and regularity, is a player that knows very well recognise the spaces where can 'colarse' and has a born talent for intuir where can hunt the balloon. If it can combine his tasks splitting from band and falling in the centre, or directly as '9', 'would resolve' a lot of problems of the culés.

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