Karim Benzema celebrates a goal with the Madrid


Benzema's agent reveals that the Frenchman wants to go to Lyon

Published:26/01/2021 - 08:01h

Updated:26/01/2021 - 08:01h

Karim Djaziri, Karim Benzema's representative since the forward began to emerge, revealed this past Monday that the Frenchman has in mind to go to Olympique Lyon sooner rather than later

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Karim Benzema is the maximum goleador and surely the most decisive player of the Real Madrid since it left Cristiano Ronaldo. Without the Portuguese, the French was the only that threw of the car of the team in the appearance goleador, and in the last two seasons annotated 57 goals between all the competitions. In the present campaign, the Frenchman adds already 15 and is being the only to what hold the merengues of face to the rival goal.

His importance in the team is maximum and without him the madridistas never could have opted to LaLiga that conquered the past course. By all this, until the whites fichen to a star goleadora for his forward, something that is for seeing if they can do by fault of the crisis caused by the pandemia, the tip of Algerian origin is fundamental for Zinedine Zidane and for the aspirations of his entity.

It is by all this by what have surprised so much the statements on his future of his representative, Karim Djaziri. The agent of the 'killer' has desvelado that his intention is to leave to the Olympique of Lyon sooner that late to be able to withdraw in the club that saw him be born. "Yes, sincerely I think that it will go back. He speaks me constantly and sees all the parties of the team. On, he never has been in the Groupama Stadium. In his mind is something that he wishes, has to the Lyon in his heart", commented.

The representative of Benzema since the French began to despuntar in the professional football revealed also that the intention of the '9' is to return to Lyon being still in a good moment of form, by what does not want to expect to do it. "There is of everything in Lyon for Karim. But he does not have win to go back to Lyon and that do not have the necessary physicist", affirmed with rotundity.

Djaziri Left clear that to his 32 years and being in one of the best moments of his sportive career, Karim doubts between leaving the Madrid and go back to the Olympique. Nevertheless, it leaves clear that one of his dreams is to go back to put the bracelet of the conjoint Frenchman. "It is divided between leaving the best club of the world and go back to Lyon, but is a question of time. In his dreams is the one to go back to Lyon and do big things. Carry the bracelet of captain with the youngsters can be magic", aimed.

Benzema Finishes agreement in 2022

It is necessary to say that the attacker has agreement with the Madrid until 2022, by what could go free to the Lyon inside a year or the merengues could negotiate a traspaso to the drop this same summer. It is little likely that the ones of Concha Spine, without margin of manoeuvre for fichar a spare by economic subjects, leave to go out to his big star in these moments. For this reason, everything aims that if it finish going, will do it in 2022 with the letter of freedom under the arm.

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