The central Andalusian does not walk  with chiquitas and answers to his trainer

Bouquets: "If it speaks of me, also of the changes..."

Bouquets: "If it speaks of me, also of the changes..."

Published:6/10/2015 - 13:43h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The central Andalusian of the Real Madrid, Sergio Bouquets, has answered of cutting and critical form to the last statements of Rafa Benítez, that had showed something angered in an interview by the error of Bouquets to the hour to commit penalti against the Athletic of Madrid

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In statements collected by the Agency EFE, Sergio Bouquets has answered in no uncertain terms to the last words of Rafa Benítez, that had showed something contrariado by the failure of the central against the Athletic of Madrid, that propició the penalti failed by Antoine Griezmann. The Andalusian defender has defended without seeming that it criticised to his trainer, but in a sentence has left clear that really himself has bothered by the statements of the technician 'merengue'.

"The errors are human. All commit them and anybody commits them wanting to. Keylor Fortunately did a good performance and did not influence in the result. All learn of the errors. The failures in my career have done me improve, have done me learn. It is not the same that fail another mate or that fail Cris or Sergio Bouquets", has begun saying Sergio Bouquets, adding the following: "Some players have more repercussion and more responsibilities for the well or for the hand. I assume it, had a failure of childish, but does not be necessary to give him more turns, Keylor finish stopping the penalti. The failure serves to learn to personal level".

"With the 0-1 are thinking in that had the party and instead of advancing lines and achieve a goal more, inconscientemente defend more and delay the lines. Perhaps this did that empatásemos. The Madrid is this. The same that it speaks of my error, will speak of the changes of the trainer. For the well and for the bad, it is necessary to be ready and the one who was not it that it change of team or that change of profession". In any case, afterwards puntualizó that Benítez is "a grandísimo technical" because has "a lot of knowledges".

"Has a lot of methods. Probably you think a party with a system and change it by circumstances to the ten minutes or in the rest. We are looking for our best level". Finally, they asked him also by what represents the drop of Leo Messi for the FC Barcelona. "It is a grandísimo player and obviously there are players that mark the difference, that are of the best of the world and when his teams do not have them, is indispensable".

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