Cristiano ronaldo would have left to direct the word to his trainer

Cristiano Ronaldo would have withdrawn the word to Benítez!

Cristiano Ronaldo would have withdrawn the word to Benítez!

Published:9/10/2015 - 15:38h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The newspaper 'Sport' has done echo of an information that ensures that the main star of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, would have decided to withdraw the word to Rafa Benítez owing to the little 'feeling' that has with him and the few gestures of affection that the trainer shows him

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The big star of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, could have left to direct the word to his trainer in the white group, Rafa Benítez, because of the few gestures of affection that the technician has showed with him since it landed in the bench. Always according to the information desvelada by 'The Chiringuito' of 'Neox' and collected by the newspaper 'Sport', among others half, apparently to Cristiano Ronaldo would not have seated him at all well that the trainer of the Real Madrid said in press conference does some weeks that could not affirm that the Portuguese was the best player that had trained, since it had trained "to any very good", without saying names but putting him to the same level that other footballers that surely Christian consider 'inferior'.

"Christian the best of the world? With saying one of the best is sufficient", said besides Benítez during the pre-season that carried out the Real Madrid in Australia does some months, being this the first incongruence that Christian -or rather his ego- would not have assumed.

The case is that the crisis of Benítez with Christian joins to the problems that the Madrilenian would have had already with Karim Benzema, that showed visible signs of anger when it was substituted against the Athletic of Madrid the past weekend, and also with Sergio Bouquets, to the one who Benítez 'punished' verbalmente in an interview showing angered by the innocent penalti committed by the sevillano; a player that, to the dessert, would finish contraatacando criticising of indirect way the management of the changes of Rafa Benítez during the quoted party.

In definite, seems that to Rafa Benítez accumulates him the work in the Real Madrid, taking into account that sure that to Florentino Pérez neither will have seated him at all well that the team leave empatado with the FC Barcelona in the classification of League BBVA 2015-16 when the culés are happening at present by his worst moment since Luis Enrique landed in the bench.

It was as it was, the only positive of all this is that it could benefit to a FC Barcelona with the waters are also very moved in the institutional field, but where can say in no uncertain terms that the changing room is an authentic pineapple. Perhaps this went the difference by the which a team heaved the past season with the triplete and the another, as they describe with disdain some radical fans of the Barcelona club, with the 'nadaplete'.

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