Harry Kane, the gunpowder that needs  in the Real Madrid or the Barça


Harry Kane could 'approach' to Mbappé to the Real Madrid

Published:21/06/2021 - 22:47h

Updated:21/06/2021 - 22:47h

From England have ensured that Paris Saint-Germain thinks that the English Harry Kane would be the perfect substitute for Kylian Mbappé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The current situation of Kylian Mbappé in Paris Saint-Germain could give a beneficial twist for the Real Madrid, that wants to do with his services this market of summer. The English newspaper Express has ensured that the Parisian club already would be looking for spares for his young jewel, that follows without renewing his agreement with the French entity, that finalises the next 2022.

The mentioned British newspaper has explained that Harry Kane is the big favourite to substitute to Mbappé in case that the French forward continue without extending his contractual relation. The footballer of the Tottenham is a request expresses of Mauritius Pochettinor, as the current trainer of the PSG already had under his orders to the mentioned ariete and wishes it in his team.

According to the information issued by the quoted half, already there would be even dates to the solution of the future of Mbappé in the Parisian entity, as it says that if in the next month of July the forward continues without renewing, the PSG will put it in the market. Immediately it would appear the Real Madrid as possible destination, although no the only according to Express, that also bets by the Liverpool.

Aim madridista

From the start of the market of summer, Florentino Pérez has between eyebrow and eyebrow to Kylian Mbappé. It wishes fichar to the young French jewel for the Real Madrid, but his high cost of market could mean a complication, although the president of the white club already has taken forecasts in this regard and then the contracting of the Frenchman, could materialise.

Reduce mass salarial and go out of players is the key of Florentino Pérez for sobrellevar the debt of the last season, also delicate to economic level owing to the pandemia. The president of the entity merengue plans ingresar some 160 million euros, what could suffice to do with the services of Kylian. The player would be happy with recalar in the Madrid. It would subtract to expect the development of, definitely, one of the serials of the summer.

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