The midfield player malagueño of the real madrid carried time without being headline

Isco Commanded a "recadito" to Benítez in the social networks

Isco Commanded a "recadito" to Benítez in the social networks

Published:11/01/2016 - 09:34h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The midfield player malagueño of the Real Madrid, Isco Alarcón, went back to be headline in the victory of the white group this past Saturday against the Sportive (5-0) in the Bernabéu and, as it said he same in a "tweet", went back to "enjoy of the football". It will be a message to Benítez?

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The youngster and díscolo midfield player of the Real Madrid that propinó that violent patada merecedora of red card to Neymar Jr in the Classical of Santiago Bernabéu to finals of November of 2015, Isco Alarcón, published this past Saturday a message in the social network Twitter with which lit to a sector of his fans, that understood that it had commanded a criticism encrypted to Rafa Benítez just after Florentino Pérez have decided to relieve him by Zinedine Zidane does hardly some days. The case is that Isco was to title this past Saturday against the Sportive after long -what shows the confidence that has deposited in him Zidane-, and minutes after finishing the meeting the footballer could not contain his joy for going back to play.

"Happy to go back to enjoy of the football", wrote Isco, wanting to say perhaps that with Benítez had not been able to enjoy of the football as it is had to. The case is that the stir that formed in few minutes through the social networks forced to that the player had to matizar his words with a new message hanged again through his account, in which it said the following:

"It referred me to play after so much time. Rafa is a big professional and wish him the elder of the lucks! An embrace to all!", it aimed. In any case, the reality is that Isco Alarcón goes back to smile in the Real Madrid after having been title the Saturday to the detriment of James Rodríguez in the position of interior. It will be necessary to see how continues the dispute of Isco and James this season by a position, the one of interior/mediapunta, that is very expensive from does time in the combined merengue.

So much, that is possible that one of the two midfield players decide to abandon the team in the next months if it does not have the minutes that considers that it needs to follow evolving. Already it will see . If Isco decided to leave, the Manchester City would be the first club interested in carrying out his contracting, as it has rumoreado during the last months.

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