Gareth Bale and Zinedine Zidane after a match


Zidane, about Bale: "The other day he did not play because he did not want"

Published:23/07/2019 - 09:24h

Updated:23/07/2019 - 09:24h

Zinedine Zidane charged the other day against Gareth Bale and said that he doesn't want him in his team. It has spoken so much about his words and he had to talked this Sunday to give explanations about the welshman and his situation

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Zinedine Zidane loaded against Gareth Bleat after the defeat of the Real Madrid against the Bayern of Munich in the first party of the whites in this pre-season. The French was more conclusive that never and left very clear that does not have the Welsh and that wants that it leave of the group merengue what before. His words caused a big stir and therefore this Sunday went out again to press conference to go back to explain which is the situation of the Welsh right now.

Some fans and a sector of the press criticised to Zidane for having been so hard with a footballer that has been key for the Champions League of the Madrid. It accused to the technical Frenchman to have him been missing to the respect to the British and to having devaluated his price. The French even said literally that if it went tomorrow, "better". 'Zizou' Explained these statements and left clear that misunderstood his words by his way to speak Spanish.

"Sometimes my Spanish is a bit lioso. I go to try be very clear with this, with the of Gareth. The first, did not be to the respect to anybody and less to a player because I always said the same, that the players are the most important and every time that there is a player here am with them always. The second, said that the club was treating his exit. Point", began saying the trainer madridista to give him felt to his words of the previous day on the Welsh and his possible course of the Madrid.

"It bleat it did not change the other day because it did not want. It said that the club was treating his exit and did not change therefore"

But the ex footballer did not remain here and also wanted to remove the fault that it Bleat did not play neither an alone minute. It seems that it was the own player the one who decided to not to dress of short. "And the third, that seems me important also. The other day it did not change Gareth because he did not want to, at all more. He said that the club is treating his exit and did not change therefore. Now we go back to the same. It bleat it is a player of the Madrid and goes to train with normality today and will see what will happen morning. I do not know at all new of the operation", affirmed.

Another of the footballers that seems that it does not explain for Zidane is James Rodríguez. The Colombian has not incorporated still to the trainings for having played the Glass America, but seems that has impossible to be still in Santiago Bernabéu. 'Zizou' Did not want to wet about his future, that could be in the Athletic of Madrid. "James still is of the Madrid. I do not know what goes to happen. You know the situation", aimed.

Zidane did not clear what will happen with Kubo

Take Kubo is being one of the big feelings of turns it American of the Real Madrid. The Japanese youngster is leaving big details and feelings in the trainings and also in the crash against the Bayern. There is the one who says that it would have to play with the first team, the same that did Vinicius the past year. The trainer merengue did not want to advance events and did not clear at all. "Here we are to prepare our season and for the moment Kubo is with us. I do not see what goes to happen afterwards, will go back to Madrid and already will see. I do not see further", it finalised.

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