Luka Jovic, forward of the Real Madrid


Jovic's bad dream: Does not count for Zidane, does not score and does not go with his country

Published:14/10/2019 - 09:39h

Updated:14/10/2019 - 09:39h

Luka Jovic arrived in Madrid with the vitola of being one of the most promising '9' in Europe. But, for now, his time in Madrid has been testimonial. Zidane almost does not count on him, he has not yet released as a scorer and on top of that he is not even with Serbia

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The first months of Luka Jovic in the Real Madrid​ are being a bad dream for him. The tip arrived to the white team after going out in the Eintracht of Frankfurt, where marked more than 20 goals. A lot of teams interested by him this summer, but went the merengues those who carried the cat to the water and it ficharon by 60 million euros.

The madridistas showed quite ilusionados with his arrival, since it was considered one of the '9' more promising of Europe. Besides, it was a profile of tip goleador, that was what carried asking time in the White House. Everything seemed to indicate that the Balkan went to be important in the Madrid, but go two months of competition and the forward hardly has played and is still in white.

In what it goes of course, the ex of the Eintracht alone has played 218 minutes divided in seven parties. In these seven meetings, the Serbian has not marked still any goal, since the only that converted finished him cancelling the VAR. Only it has been headline in two occasions and Zinedine Zidane hardly is having he.

But in case this was little, the attacker, besides, has not gone with Serbia to this stop of selections because Tumbakovic has left him out of the list. The seleccionador would be angered because, according to the daily ACE, said to be lesionado in the last stop not to play the second party of the week and can do it with the Madrid in his return.

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This week in Madrid could cost him, perhaps, his third titularity of the campaign. Gareth Bleat will arrive touched after the last crash of Wales and Eden Hazard could arrive tired after going with Belgium. This, joined to the fact that it carries two consecutive parties without playing, could be determinant so that Zidane him of a new opportunity to shine and mark of once.

It could say that Jovic is not fulfilling with the expectations that deposited in him, but the true is that in so little time of game can not take out a lot of conclusions. It does not be necessary to forget that only it has 21 years and that with this age is complicated to shine in all a Madrid without having minutes regularly. Some say that what needs the 'killer' is to mark for enchufarse and begin to show the version that planted him in the elite of '9' the past year.

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