Marcelo in a party with the Real Madrid


Marcelo is fined and will open him a file for jumping the protocol of security

Published:30/03/2021 - 19:06h

Updated:30/03/2021 - 19:06h

Marcelo was in Valency with his family and after publishing an image in Instagram showing in a beach with his wife and children, desató the annoyance of the city

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Comunitat Valencian is the one who less cases and incidences by Covid have in the actuality in all Spain, something that is not mere casualidad when seeing how reacts and acciona Ximo Puig, president of the institution, that commissioned to open an informative file to the player of the Real Madrid, Marcelo.

The side merengue left see the past weekend in one of the beaches of Valencia and also hanged a photo in Instagram, causing the reaction of a lot of people against of the Brazilian when jumping the rule of distance and security that has in the city at present.

"I do not know if out of Valency lives with the law of the jungle, but here is not like this, without mattering the weight that have have to respect the norms and much more in these subjects", ensure Ximo in relation to the status of Marcelo, complementing with that "maybe it was not a considerable sanction for his income, but yes to show that all have the same condition".

The player of the Real Madrid is calm in spite of what sucede around his action of weekend, where showed accompanied with his family. The Brazilian ensures that it was not a trip of pleasure or an act of rebeldía, but something justified precisely by medical subjects that when seeming, little seems to matter.

Constant episodes

Further of the situation complicated by subjects of health and also the possible justification of Marcelo, the last months have showed to the Brazilian like a little disciplined player and engaged with the club, in addition to his image, beginning in that episode in which it was in the changing room accompanied of Vinicius seeing the cellular while all his mates were outside working.

The exit of Marcelo seems a fact or at least is what feels in the environment, with the Juventus like possible destination for the left side that contributed to the speculations on Cristiano Ronaldo when commenting a publication of Instagram, hinting that possibly play together again.

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