Luka Jovic In a warming with the Madrid


Mayoral turns Madrid upside down over a controversial confession about Luka Jovic

Published:15/10/2020 - 09:11h

Updated:15/10/2020 - 16:41h

Borja Mayoral, Roma's new forward, confessed in his presentation that Zidane wanted to get rid of Luka Jovic and stay with him. That led the club to look for a way out for the Serbian, who did not leave just because the Madrid native preferred to leave

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If it did not go by Eden Hazard, Luka Jovic would have the doubtful honour to be the worst signing of the Real Madrid in the summer of 2019. In fact, by price, minutes played and sportive performance, can say that the Balkan is one of the worst operations that has done Florentino Pérez like president. To day of today, the Serbian does not explain for Zinedine Zidane and in more than a year in the capital hardly adds two goals in 29 parties, with only 10 titularities.

The situation of the ex of the Eintracht of Frankfurt is limit and said that in summer Zidane tried to throw him of the Madrid. At the end it remained and even it has had two presences in the eleven in this League in which unfortunately for him did not attain to mark. But his case is very far to solve , and much more after the last statements of Borja Mayoral, that have put to the group merengue legs up.

The now tip of the Rome was the alternative of the whites if it went the Serbian and commented that to 'Zizou' liked him more, something that the own attacker recognised in his presentation with the roman team. "When I arrived to the pre-season, went to go out of the fast club, but Zidane wanted that it remained me", began. It seems that the one of Marseilles tried to convince him so that it remained and like this can do without Luka, but the ex of the Raise preferred to go out.

"I said him that it had to go out to have more opportunities. I think that the club listened to Zidane and therefore it wanted to take out to Jovic", confessed. These words leave to the technician and to the entirely sold club in front of Jovic, to the that will not like him know that they did all the possible so that out of the club. If his situation was uncomfortable before this episode, now will be it even more, since it will feel with more reason still that his trainer does not want him and does not trust he.

Mayoral Has tried to solve the problem

The own Mayoral, after the stir that caused his statements, wanted to go out to the step to try solve it. "In summer went to go out, but fell me a pair of things and followed training with my club, with which had agreement. Then I had a meeting with Zidane, said me that it was happy with me, since have confidence. At the end, I spoke with José Ángel and with Zidane and decided that the best was that it went out, but do not speak at all of Jovic, at all. Only I speak of me", it affirmed the ex canterano madridista.

The one of Parla wanted to excuse to his way with the Serbian in case it could have sense offended, and also followed suit with his ex trainer or with the club. "Have a lot of respect by Jovic, is leading of the Real Madrid. I have been month and half training with him, but in my life have been missing the respect to a player, to a mate, to Zidane or to a club", affirmed, trying solve the wrap. Nevertheless, in spite of this apology, the damage already is fact and it will be necessary to see which repercussion has to level of changing room and in the already of by himself damaged relation between 'Zizou' and Jovic.

The day that the Real Madrid presented to Luka Jovic


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