Nabil Fekir during a match of Real Betis


Fekir, from defeating Real Madrid, to a signing of Florentino?

Published:10/03/2020 - 08:58h

Updated:10/03/2020 - 08:58h

Nabil Fekir shone again last Sunday, in which his Real Betis was able to defeat Real Madrid in LaLiga. The french is on the targets list of Florentino Pérez, who could try to get his signing next summer

Calendar of FC Barcelona

When it seemed that his candidature to LaLiga was the firmest, the Real Madrid tripped and lost the leadership in Benito Villamarín. The Real Betis played a lot and this noticed on the terrain of game, where the pupilos of Zinedine Zidane were not to the height. There were options of victory for both, but the verdiblancos took advantage of his opportunities and tieed up three points that give an important hit to the championship.

One of which more shined in the coliseo Andalusian was Nabil Fekir, whose excellent performance is not happening unobserved. The French decided does some months to abandon the Olympique of Lyon, the team of his life, and has started with the right foot his adventure in Seville. In his curriculum already appear performances of a lot of carats in front of opponents so demanding like the FC Barcelona or the own Real Madrid.

As 'Sportive World', the one who took good note of his exhibition was Florentino Pérez, that would have to the mediapunta in his list of aims. By territory heliopolitano already have left fall along the course observers of several big, and in addition to Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United or Chelsea, the 'merengues' also save positive reports of his progression, to which already loaned attention in his stage in Tie it 1.

The quoted half specifies that in the capital already know the value that has given him to the Frenchman, that rondaría the 90 million euros. After doing with his services by 19,75 'kilos' more 10 in variables, the group bético planted him a clause of high rescission and conceded 20% of his future sale to the OL and another 10% to the player. His big feelings, and seven goals and six assistances in 23 parties, are calling the attention.

The surroundings of the lionés ensures that so much he like his family have adapted well to his new surroundings, but if the ambitious project of the Betis does not reach the European competitions, something that to day of today is very complicated, would not be of extrañar that his beaux went back to call to the door. Always according to the publication mentioned, the whites would study to include some coin of change for abaratar the traspaso, and between them has begun to sound Dani Ceballos, that does not wish to be still in the Arsenal after his cession and with Zidane has the enclosed door.

The Barça also tanteó to Fekir

In his years in Lyon, to Fekir already called him numerous big, between them a FC Barcelona whose interest would have cooled . In the City Condal monitor to the players that stand out in LaLiga and have proof of his promising adaptation, but the priorities are others and the forward or the defence would be by in front of the centre of the field, the zone of influence of the recently arrived. Although to day of today, his name is not underlined in red, would not be descartable an offer, since in the summer of 2020 foresees an important revolution in the changing room.

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