The technician of the real madrid centres  only in the football

Rafa Benítez escapes of the insults of José Mourinho

Rafa Benítez escapes of the insults of José Mourinho

Published:30/07/2015 - 13:08h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The trainer of the Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez, decided to do case omiso of the attacks of José Mourinho after his woman, Montserrat Seara, had criticised first to the Portuguese in an interview. "I am a man of football, know of football and only speak of football"

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In statements carried out in press conference, Rafa Benítez devoted to answer only the questions that had to see with the Real Madrid and with the football, desoyendo the questions that looked for an answer of the technician madridista to the recent words of José Mourinho, that recommended to his woman does some days that concerned by the diet of his husband (that is to say, of Benítez), putting again with his physical build.

"I am the trainer of the Real Madrid. It likes me the football. I understand the football and, therefore, only speak of football", has answered Benítez, without wanting to throw more firewood to the fire to the controversy and limiting to prepare the best that can to the Real Madrid to face the challenges of the next season. The Madrilenian, besides, has showed that it does not think in the past, but only in the future. "Now we are of turn, we are working and only we think in the future. It is necessary to work for the future and only think in him".

It fits to remember that, in a previous press conference, José Mourinho retorted with hardness and lack of respect to the words of the woman of Rafa Benítez, Montserrat Seara, the one who ensured does some days in an interview that she and his husband devoted to go "fixing the entuertos of the fellow (referring to Mourinho)". The case is that the Portuguese technician did not bite the lenguda and answered with a big forcefulness. "The woman of Benítez is confused and is not jokingly".

"I gave Matteo substituted me in Chelsea and Ancelotti in the Madrid. Where replaced me was in the Inter and in half year shattered to the champion of Europe. If it devoted to the diet of his husband would go him better that if it spoke of me", sentenced the luso, with a sentence of very bad taste.

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