Sergio Bouquets in a party with the Madrid


Ramos has lost his pulse with Florentino and his departure has no turning back

Published:4/06/2021 - 12:21h

Updated:4/06/2021 - 12:22h

Real Madrid and Sergio Ramos are getting closer to parting their paths. The center-back ends his contract on June 30 and the club does not seem interested in him renewing. There is discomfort with him and unless the defender gives in he will have to leave Madrid

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Sergio Bouquets finishes agreement with the Real Madrid on 30 June and seems that his course of Santiago Bernabéu is increasingly next. Unless the situation of a twist of 360 degrees, the camero will have to go of the white group inside some weeks. His divorce with the president of the team madridista, Florentino Pérez, seems almost total, and in several means have aimed the reasons.

As they aimed from 'Wave Zero' does some days, the captain merengue tried to persuade to his mates does some months so that they did not accept the discount salarial that was asking them the club. The '4', annoying by not receiving an offer of better renewal, purportedly wanted that the rest of the changing room denied to go down the wage for presionar of this form to the Madrid. The excuse that used was that the money that would save with them would be to fund the signing of Kylian Mbappé.

After this incident, Florentino took him the matrícula to Bouquets and since would not have him happen one. Now, after keeping him during months the same proposed renewal by a year and 10% less than his wage, the club even would have withdrawn it to him. As it has aimed recently the 'Chain BE', the president no longer wants to know at all of the defender and his exit of the White House is practically a fact.

Unless the maximum mandator madridista and the sevillano do the pace to last hour, the 'capi' will leave of the Madrid by the rear door. The 'pulse' that has kept him the player to the president from does months already has lost it and now only can give course backwards accepting any ofrecimiento that arrive him. It says that the footballer wants to remain, but seems that the doors of the Bernabéu have closed him already.

Bouquets has lost the pulse with Florentino

It is necessary to remember that the surroundings of Bouquets has glided important offers of Paris Saint-Germain or of the Manchester City. Proposals that, on the other hand, have not seemed real, since the central follows without having signed with anybody waiting for that his club improve him the proposal of renewal. Florentino does time that decided that it did not go to change the conditions of his new agreement, by what these could be the last weeks of Sergio in the capital.

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