FIFA will not compensate Madrid for the injury of Dani Ceballos

Published:5/01/2022 - 15:42h

Updated:5/01/2022 - 15:42h

FIFA assures that, although the Sports Law in Spain obliges clubs to assign players, the Olympic Games are not included in the international match calendar or in its Club Protection Program

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Dani Ceballos ingresó In the announcement of the Real Madrid for an official party for the first time in the season, afterwards to happen 167 days lesionado.However, the club received this Wednesday another bad new related with the player, since the FIFA communicated that it will not compensate economically to the club by the injury that Ceballos suffered with Spain during the Olympic games of Tokyo.

The player travelled with the team to Alicante, where could be headline in the meeting in front of Alcoyano by the dieciseisavos of final of the Glass of the King this Wednesday. His last party was in front of Egypt, in the debut of the 'Red' in the Olympic (0-0). The half went out lesionado juesto before the rest, afterwards of a strong pisotón in the left ankle. In principle it thought that only it treated of a hit, but the injury finished prolonging during five months,

In this regard, the FIFA left clear that although the Law of the Sport in Spain forces to the clubs to yield players, the Olympic games are not included neither in the official calendar of international parties neither in his Program of Protection of Clubs. Thus no indemizarán to the white entity by the inactivity of Ceballos.

To have produced the injury in an international party endorsed by the FIFA, the Madrid could have perceived 7 millions and half of euros, since the inactivity of the mediocentro prologó by more than 120 days, as it establishes the referred program.

The Spanish clubs, in disadvantage

In accordance with the regulation of the Program of Protection of Clubs, the release of players is compulsory for the parties that appear in the international calendar and for international competitions endorsed by the FIFA. Nevertheless, the tournament of football of the Olympic games is not collected inside the international calendar, since the regulation clears that the coverage affects "only to the footballers that participate in the parties of selections 'To' and where is compulsory his cession".

In the case of the Olympic games, the Law of the Sport and the own Disciplinary Code of the RFEF forces to the footballers to attend to the called of the selection, Of the contrary could, even, lose his licence of professional footballer. In any another country of the world applies this measure, by which the Spanish clubs are forced to yield to his players.

Nevertheless, when being the tournament of olympic football a championship of selections no absolute (Sub 23), the FIFA does not recognise it like "a tournament with parties of representative teams 'To' of the confederations to the cual the national association was member".

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