The five sins of benítez like technician of the madrid

The five sins of Benítez like technician of the Real Madrid

The five sins of Benítez like technician of the Real Madrid

Published:7/10/2015 - 10:48h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

From the Real Madrid begin to see him the dark side to the signing of his current trainer Rafael Benítez. The coarse football of the team, increased after the ridiculous defensive in the derbi, have done that so many fans, players and directive do not overlook him five important errors

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The trainer of the Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez, seems that it already is suffering his first crisis like míster of the white group. The rídiculo made in Vicente Calderón in front of the Athletic where the team comported like an entity of second row seems to have not liked to any sector inside the madridismo. His own players, as Sergio Bouquets or Karim Benzema, criticise it directly by defensive. These have been his first five sins like technician madridista:

1-The step backwards of the Madrid in front of the Athletic

After the prick of the FC Barcelona in Seville, the Real Madrid had in his hands the opportunity to advance to the Barcelona and put to two his points, as well as lead already the League BBVA 2015-2016. However, the 'gatillazo' of the Calderón does not hurt in the madridismo by the final result but by as it gave . The white group comported at all times like a team boy any one that arrived to the stadium of the Athletic and saw with a goal in favour in the first minutes of game.

The opportunity to step advance and improve the game showed in front of Granada, Málaga or Athletic was not taken advantage of. The fans and the directive assisted to a defensive show that, finally, finish deserving the tie and even the defeat that did not arrive by the fault of puntería of the leading colchonera.

2-A defensive system that does not improve what there was

After his arrival to the Real Madrid, Benítez manifested that his team would improve the defensive system created by Carlo Ancelotti. After nine official parties to the Real Madrid only have marked him two goals, but shoot him to equal door or more than then. Only the tarpaulin of Keylor Navas is saving him the neck to the team in the defensive section. In front of the Athletic of Madrid, for example, received a total of 18 shots to goal, an authentic atrocity for a team that only kicked thrice in front of the rival.

3-Not taking advantage of the bad start of the FC Barcelona

From the Real Madrid knows that the bad moment that is living the Barça is very difficult that repeat in the following months when it recover to important men like Messi or Iniesta and add to these Burn Turan and the men that arrive in the market of winter. The opportunity to mark distances after the two Barcelona defeats has desaprovechado clearly. To the team, with the arrival of the Madrilenian, no expected him good football but if reliability and that would take advantage of the opportunities that his more acérrimos rival would offer them, but has not been like this.

4-it Bleat it loses leadership, Cristiano exhausts it

It sold from his presentation that with Benítez would arrive the best Gareth Bleat, that would contrive a system to explode his characteristics and that would share leadership beside Cristiano and Benzema in attack. After a start of season that went like this, with a party soberbio of the Welsh in front of the Betis, his presence in the team waned of hit. Cristiano denied to play of leading centre and went back to occupy his position of always, the plan of Rafa there was fracasado.

It fits to remember that the Portuguese has marked five goals in this League, all they in the same party in front of the Espanyol. His numbers is near of the worst of his career and has left to do so many in six meetings suspender belts, all a tragedy for a so dependent team of the luso as it is the Madrid.

5-Arbeloa, by in front of Nacho

Another of the things that the people still does not understand after the derbi Madrilenian is to that mind has occurred him think that Álvaro Arbeloa still is a valid footballer for the Real Madrid. As it showed in front of the rojiblancos, the player salmantino is not neither to play in the MLS American. It saw him totally desbordado by his right side and a his error leaving happen to Carrasco caused the goal of the tie.

The not betting by the canterano Nacho, a polyvalent man in defence, is something that the fans will not forgive him to the technician madridista. This to convert to a man that was the sixth side of the team to play a patido so important like the one of the Athletic if that it is an almost mortal sin.

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