The trainer of the real madrid piropea to the star of his team

The 'piropos' of Benítez to Christian by the Boot of Gold

The 'piropos' of Benítez to Christian by the Boot of Gold

Published:14/10/2015 - 09:55h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The trainer of the Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez, elogió to Cristiano Ronaldo during the act of delivery of the Boot of Gold 2014-15 to the Portuguese star of the white group by his 48 goals in League BBVA the past season. "It represents the proof and the eagerness of superación"

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In statements carried out during the act of delivery of the Boot of Gold 2014-15 to Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafa Benítez had some words of praise to the 'crack' Portuguese by all what is giving to the Real Madrid during the last years. "When we speak of a player that wins a trophy already is something important, but achieve four of this level means that behind there is a professional, there is work, there is proof, an eagerness of superación and, as it has said he, there is a group that helps him", said Benítez, elogiando the main qualities of the player luso.

And it reiterated that it treats of a very difficult prize to win. "These numbers, figures and trophies are dificilísimos to achieve and shows that there is a person that has the proof and this eagerness of superación that is what marks the difference. Whenever have to a player that marks so many goals, the team wins more. He has been clear and has appreciated it to him to his mates. It is conscious of what mean they for him and for the attainments that is achieving".

In this sense, trusts that Cristiano Ronaldo will beat more records during what remains him of career futbolística to the maximum level. "Cristiano follows beating records. It is evident that speak of a player of a lot of talent, of a lot of quality and surpass to a player like Raúl at most goleador historical of the club already says it everything. We are speaking of a player that no only is beating records, but it follows with hunger, ambition and capacity to follow improving his figures".

They get along Cristiano Ronaldo and Benítez?

During the last days spoke that Cristiano Ronaldo could have left to direct the word to Rafa Benítez because of the few gestures of affection that the technician has showed with him since it landed in the bench. Always according to the information desvelada by 'The Chiringuito' of 'Neox', apparently to Cristiano Ronaldo would not have seated him at all well that the trainer of the Real Madrid said in press conference does some weeks that could not affirm that the Portuguese was the best player that had trained, since it had trained "to any very good", without saying names but putting him to the same level that other footballers that surely Christian consider 'inferior'.

"Christian the best of the world? With saying one of the best is sufficient", said besides Benítez during the pre-season that carried out the Real Madrid in Australia does some months, being this the first incongruence that Christian -or rather his ego- would not have assumed.

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