Rafa benítez could not directing to the real madrid against the real society

The Real Madrid does not deny the news of the return of "Mou"

The Real Madrid does not deny the news of the return of "Mou"

Published:24/12/2015 - 10:14h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The journalist José Ramón of the Dark ensured that Benítez would not train to the Real Madrid in the following party of League BBVA against the Real Sociedad, and that the place of the Spanish technician would occupy it José Mourinho. For the moment, the Real Madrid has not denied at all

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Although Florentino Pérez has ensured in more than an interview along the last weeks that the solution of the Real Madrid to go out of the sportive crisis in which it lives cornered from does time is Rafa Benítez, the reality is that the dismissal of José Mourinho of Chelsea could have opened a new panorama in which the Portuguese technician would be the maximum candidate to go back to occupy the bench madridista, leaving in the ditch to the Spanish trainer.

In fact, the true is that the journalist José Ramón of the Dark ensured does some days in the radio program "The Crossbar" that Mourinho would go back to occupy the place of trainer in the Real Madrid before finishing the present season. "They see a changing room ingobernable. They think that a dictator, hand-held hard like Mourinho, could enderezarlo. They think that follow with Benítez is a suicide. My opinion is that it will not direct to the team in front of the Real, on 30 December, and that his imminent successor is Mou", said the journalist in question, in statements collected by "ACE".

For the moment, it calls the attention that the president Florentino have not gone out to deny such information, since the maximum white mandator had the very fine skin does some months when the means spoke on the possible signings for the Real Madrid of Pogba and Verratti.

The daily "ACE" ensures that Florentino Pérez could be preparing already the terrain for the dismissal of Rafa Benítez, since the Madrilenian technician is not of the like of the majority of the white fans -at least for the moment- and this would want the signing of a new trainer that can redirect the course of the team, or the ascensión like technician of the first team of Zinedine Zidane that it still is not formed of the all as preparador of elite.

Mourinho, Zidane, Ancelotti, Guardiola, Wenger, Pellegrini... The options are many, are here and some of them, as the one of Guardiola, are really impossible. This yes, it will be necessary to expect some days to see what is what finish sucediendo with the future of the bench of the Real Madrid.

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