Dani Ceballos In a party with the Real Madrid


The social networks fill of 'memes' on Dani Ceballos!

Published:22/02/2018 - 10:07h

Updated:22/02/2018 - 10:07h

The conflict between Zinedine Zidane and Dani Ceballos happened to greater in Butarque, where the French technician went back to despise to the footballer offering him hardly 29 seconds of game. The networks have not wasted a glorious opportunity for the humour

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Although the Real Madrid continued with his series of victories in LaLiga, no everything are joys in the changing room 'merengue', especially for a Dani Ceballos that lived a hard chapter in his desencuentro with the trainer, Zinedine Zidane. If the situation begins to be unsustainable with Gareth Bleat, the utrerano already looks for an exit, because it knows that with the marsellés have finish him the opportunities.

It is not that it have had too many in what it goes of course, but the lived in Butarque has been a turning point in the path of the midfield player. In a party in which there were rotations, so much of start as along the meeting, the technician decided to do him jump to the field when they remained exactly 29 seconds for contesting .

The anger, although I remain parked in the terrain of game, already moved to the caseta, in which Sergio Bouquets celebrated his 550 official meetings with the elastic madridista. In his photo of celebration were missing some players, precisely Ceballos and Bleat, that 'happened' to put good face in a night in which his greater wish was to go back home.

The social networks, to the threaten

The subject has not happened unobserved in the social networks, that have burst against Zidane but also have aimed to the footballer in tone of humour. Although the general unrest left notice in the fans madridista, the protagonists of the post split have been the 'memes', on a so atypical performance like painful. Here they are some of the best:

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