Luka Jovic In a warming with the Real Madrid


The threat of Luka Jovic's father to those who go against his son

Published:24/10/2020 - 15:48h

Updated:26/10/2020 - 11:52h

Luka Jovic faces a six-month prison sentence in his country and at Real Madrid he counts for little and is not giving the level. His father, upset at how badly his son is being talked about, launched a threat at his critics

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Luka Jovic Is living an authentic hell since it decided to leave Frankfurt and put course to the Real Madridin the summer of 2019. The Serbian went of the Eintracht being one of the '9' more promising of the world, with FC Barcelona, Manchester United and the own white group after him, and now is an enormous disappointment. His career no only has not advanced since, but it has suffered a very evident shrinking.

The Balkan hardly played the past campaign in the Madrid and in the little that played so alone marked a goal. This course is explaining more and already has been headline in three occasions, but follows denied of face to door. Besides, his detractores ensure that it sees him apathetic in the terrain of game, something unforgivable in the breast of the madridismo. But his bad news do not finish here, since in his country the things go still worse.

During the pandemia, Jovic jumped the protocols established by Serbia when it went back of Spain to happen the confinement in his country. This seems that it has derived in a grave crime in which the public prosecutors of his earth have asked six months of prison for him. It says that it gave him the option to credit some 30.000 euros to avoid that it went to greater the indictment, but the tip denied to pay and now could go to prison.

After these events, the father of the player, Milan Jovic, spoke in the half Serbian 'Novosti'. The also ex footballer was very conclusive and loomed to which are criticising to his son and are trying to litter his image. "I do not go to do statements, because if I speak a lot of go to finish where would like them see to Luka, in the prison", commented, without pelos in the tongue.

Milan Ensured that there is a persecution against the white tip in Serbia from does months, something that has finishing deriving in this possible penalty of prison. For his father, in the Balkan country have envy of the goleador merengue, that has achieved to play in one of the best teams of the world. "A Serbian can forgive to another Serbian anything less the success", reflexionó.

Jovic Plays his future in the Madrid

It will be necessary to see how finishes this dark episode of the attacker with the Serbian justice, but what more matters to the madridistas is definitely his performance in Alfredo Gave Stéfano. For now, the one of Bijeljina has not given the level in the futbolístico and neither has marked goals, by what the disappointment with him is evident. The next months will be decisive for his future, that could be far of Madrid from 2021.

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