Zidane, manteado by the players of the Madrid after winning LaLiga


Zidane has become the black beast of Barça

Published:22/07/2020 - 11:39h

Updated:22/07/2020 - 11:39h

Zinedine Zidane has become since he arrived on the Madrid bench in 2016 in FC Barcelona's great nightmare. The Frenchman has won 11 titles since then, while the Catalans have won 8

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In spite of the críticias of madridistas and of no madridistas by the game, by the management of the staff or by his controversial decisions, is indisputable that Zinedine Zidane has turned into one of the best trainers of the history of the Real Madrid. The French has triumphed like few in what to titles refers , but the most remarkable is that it has done it in alone four years in the bench merengue.

'Zizou' Took the relief of Rafa Benítez in January of 2016 and went up from the Castilla to save to the whites of a campaign that was being disastrous. This course, the marsellés woke up to the changing room and was about to to win him LaLiga to a FC Barcelona that had it almost won when it arrived to the charge. But it did not conform the Frenchman with competing in front of the Barcelona and this campaign led to the Madrid to his decimoprimera Champions League.

Since, having this Glass of Europe, the technician has won 11 titles in total. In the list of winners of Zidane already there are three Leagues of Champions, two World-wide of Clubs, two Leagues, two Supercopas of Europe and two Supercopas of Spain. During these four years that have happened, the FC Barcelona, that came to dominate before the French, has won 8 trophies: Three Glasses of Rey, three Leagues and two Supercopas of Spain. In definite, regarding victories refers , the era Zinedine is being upper to the Barça of Leo Messi.

By one or another reason, the trainer of Marseilles has turned into the big black beast of a Barcelona that has not gone back to smell the Glass of Europe since 'Zizou' arrived to the first team. The blaugrana himself have followed commanding in League and have done with three, although with some nuances. In the first, the one of the 2015/2016, the Frenchman arrived in January and with a lot of disadvantage, by what could not compete it in equality of conditions. Neither the one of the 2018/2019, since it returned in March with the entirely stray championship and with the ones of Concha Spine out of the Glass and the Champions.

Zidane has taken the measure to the Barça

The reality is that of the three seasons that Zidane has trainer to the Real Madrid from beginning to end, the madridistas have won LaLiga in two, the 16/17 and this 19/20. In other words that the trainer Frenchman is the big nightmare of the Barcelona is increasingly clear. In fact, even in the individual clashes sees this, since it has directed nine Classical, winning four, empatando three and losing only two. Besides, his team put three goals more than the barcelonista, 14 to 11.

To follow measuring the impact of the marsellés in the Madrid to the hour to confront to the Barça, in the course 18/19, before it went back in March, the merengues fell in three of the four Classical that played in front of the culés and empataron the another. The numbers leave very clear that the white group is another with 'Zizou' and the Barça goes to have to do something to change this tendency. This Champions could be this turning point to remove him this power to the French.

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