Pablo Sarabia, celebrating the marked goal against the Barça


Sarabia Advanced to the Seville in front of the Barça with help of the VAR

Published:12/08/2018 - 22:33h

Updated:12/08/2018 - 22:43h

The polyvalent attacker of the Seville, Pablo Sarabia, transformed the first goal of the party before arriving to the ten minutes of the first-half, against the FC Barcelona in the Supercopa of Spain. The referee, Of the Big Hill, required the help of the VAR

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The group trained by Pablo Machín, the Seville, went out something more enchufado that the FC Barcelona in the Supercopa of Spain. It neutralised in the first minutes a played offensive of Jordi Alba, and shortly after, in the '10' of party, Pablo Sarabia achieved to advance to the group hispalense in the Stadium of Tangier, generating something of worry to the players of the Barça.

Luis Muriel, in a played of contragolpe, took desprovista to the Barcelona defence and, after a good manoeuvre, saw the desmarque of Sarabia to plant him a balloon measured. The Spanish attacker atinó to the hour to launch the balloon crossed, inalcanzable for Ter Stegen.

The judge of line, however, did not see it of the all clear and heaved initially the pennant, signalling offside. The repetition showed that the goal was valid, and like this communicated it to him the referees of the room of the VAR to the main referee, Of the Big Hill, that finish giving by well the goal in the minute 10, causing a celebration 'half' of Sarabia.

The question is that the Seville finish to advance in the marker, hurgando like this in the defensive wound of a FC Barcelona that, in what it goes of pre-season, is not showing defensive solvency had to, surely, to the fault of shooting.

And it is that the Seville went back to have of some that another dangerous counterattack, culminated with shots that went out diverted. The FC Barcelona tried to do with the control of the possession, but cost him horrors deepen between lines and generate played of goal.

Sarabia, 'on fire' with the Seville

With the goal of Sarabia, the Seville did strong in his defensive position and limited to yield the leadership with the balloon to the Barça for, when it could, go out again to the contragolpe and generate unfit in the Barcelona defence.

Sarabia, by the way, already has annotated 5 goals with the Seville in this pre-season, explaining the official meeting of Supercopa and those that has contested also of previous phases of Europe League, in addition to the friendly crashes. The Spanish, to full performance.

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