Miami Heat, celebrating the victory against Boston Celtics


Miami Heat puts against the ropes to the Celtics in the Final of Conference East

Published:19/09/2020 - 02:16h

Updated:19/09/2020 - 02:16h

Good match the played the last morning between Miami Heat and Boston Celtics, planting to the franchise of the South-East of Florida with a wide advantage and with better feelings that his rival

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The second party of the east semifinal was very expected by the legendary square of Boston, that had put all the efforts in empatar the series and give a hit of effect. But it did not achieve it. A very irregular meeting, in which they left trace back almost a veintena of points (17). After the rest, the Celtics showed one of the worst expensive of the playoffs and, with an apathetic third chamber, served in tray the victory to some grown Heat.

The team of Miami did not begin at all well the meeting, in the two first alone chambers attained 37% of tarpaulin in shots of field, and was very inferior in the appearance rebounder, with alone 16 achieved by the 27 of his rival. The result to the rest was of 47-60 in favour of the Celtics. It seemed that the series would equalise and that Boston would clear the doubts offered in the first party.

But after it is rest, accumulated 12 shots of field without achieving annotate and arrived at the end of the meeting to fault of few minutes, with tie to 95 in the marker. The push final of the ones of Florida reached to carry a party that could have decanted by any edict.

The anger in the players of Boston has trascended to the means, where especula that Marcus Smart, base and brain of the staff, shouted to his mates for instants afterwards abandon the changing room without wanting to make any interview.

Lace words of Jaylen Brown explain well the situation that lived in this changing room: "Therefore we want to Marcus", said, and also added: "it Plays with passion has a lot of fire, need this. There is gone and come in all the families, but accept us as we are. We have to use this fire and add it in the third party". With this victory, the only team of Florida that remains in the bubble of Orlando chains a 10-1 in the final stages, all a record.

The Rockets no descartan the traspaso of… JAMES HARDEN!

The rumours go in the direction that the owners of the franchise of Houston, looking for build a new sportive project that can struggle by the ring, would see with good eyes leave leave to his maximum star these last 8 years and one of the maximum scorers of the history like "the beard".

They have not achieved that his leadership carry them to raise any ring and only has been able to guide them to an apparition in the finals, in 2018 in front of the Warriors. It could be one of the few formulas that would allow them make some movement salarial important to attract to a new and ilusionante súper star.

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