Florentino Perez partido


Florentino Pérez, proud and excited about the ruling on the Super League

Published:21/12/2023 - 11:48h

Updated:22/12/2023 - 06:18h

Florentino Pérez spoke few minutes before that Joan Laporta on the court's decision in favour of the Superliga. The president of the Madrid showed ilusionado with the project and left clear that goes to be the best for the European football

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Madrid was the first club in pronouncing after the favourable failure of the Court of European Justice to the Superliga. Florentino Pérez, that spoke few minutes before that his homónimo in the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, left clear that it is a big news for the world of the football, since all the European clubs will be able to manage his own interests and will not depend of the monopoly of the UEFA and of the FIFA.

"We receive with enormous satisfaction the failure of the TJUE. The next days will study carefully the scope of this, of big historical transcendence. The European football never will be a monopoly, and from today the clubs will be the owners of his destination. We see us able to promote the competitions that consider. It has triumphed the Europe of the freedoms", expressed the mandator merengue.

The president of the Madrid followed his argumentation and confirmed that the Superliga will be an open competition to all the clubs that will stick to all the fans. "They impose the right, the reason and the freedom. 70 years ago we stepped giant for the football with the creation of the Glass of Europe and now have the duty to give the impulse that the football needs. It will be opened to all, will impose the sportive merit and the respect to the fair playfinancial . Above all else it would protect to the players and will excite to fans of all the world. Anybody said that put end to a monopoly was simple. We are with the opportunity to carry out a gobernanza transparent, that coexist with the new technologies", stood out.

Florentino Pérez, ilusionado with the Superliga

Finally, Florentino Pérez showed ilusionado by what is for arriving with this new project in the world of the football. "We are to the beginning of a new time, will be able to work in freedom and without threats, with the aim of innovar and improve the football. From today the present and future is at last in hands of clubs and fans. Our destination belongs us and have in front of us a big responsibility. It will mark a before and an afterwards, is a big day for the history of the fúbol", concluded.

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