The future of Philippe Coutinho could decide in the next hours, and although the mayoria of Barcelona followers want that the footballer enfile the way of the Camp Nou, in Liverpool the opinions are very distinct. Like this it has expressed it a legend of the group 'network', Jamie Carragher, that has warned of the will of the player but also of the needs of the British.

"The fact is that Coutinho wants to go ", has begun the English, now analyst of the chain 'Sky Sports'. His statements do not do more than confirming the numerous informations in this regard, and is that this same Tuesday from 'ESPN Brazil' ensured that the footballer already would have moved his wishes to Jürgen Klopp, one of the few that still bids by his continuity.

The speech of Carragher has a pessimistic air, but at the same time serves of warning to the Liverpool: "I Trust that they keep it and it remain , although I think that they will be maximum 12 months". "This period of traspasos has not been well for the Liverpool, what has not helped, and there would be a riot against the owners and the club if it went because this market has not gone like the Liverpool wanted to".

Near postures

In spite of the opinion of Jamie Carragher, the Liverpool would be convinced to do a good business by Philippe Coutinho. The 'reds' ficharon to the Brazilian by 11 million euros and now his traspaso could rondar the 100, loading the pockets of the English to face with more guarantees his incorporations in what it remains of summer.

Precisely, one of the big wishes of the group that directs Jürgen Klopp is Virgil Go Dijk, that has asked to go out of the Southampton and sounds for Chelsea, the Manchester City and the own Liverpool. The central Dutch would reach a preció near to the 70 'kilos', and that's why it would not be of more go to by the with the full pockets. The resolution, in some days.