Ousmane Dembélé, Luis Suárez and Leo Messi in a training of the Barça


Abidal Doubts on the signing of Griezmann by the Barça

Published:24/01/2018 - 18:16h

Updated:24/01/2018 - 18:17h

The FC Barcelona has reinforced a lot in the last months, but already looks to the market in search of more. Eric Abidal is adherent to have to the best in the team, although has some doubts on the presence of so many stars in the changing room

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The one of 2017 was a summer very convulso, but from the exit of Neymar and the arrival of Ernesto Valverde, the FC Barcelona has grown a lot. The Catalans have reinforced with several footballers of world-wide size and some young promises, but these would not be his last movements in the market. Still it could have more signings.

One of which is sounding with more strength is the one of Antoine Griezmann, although in the last days the operation seems to have cooled. The one who has spoken on the subject has been an ex of the Barcelona group, Eric Abidal, that in his go through 'The Crossbar' of the 'Chain Be' has expressed some doubts on his incorporation.

"I do not know if the Barça of now needs to Griezmann, the important is the future and better have to the best in your team. Have to a player like Griezmann in your team always is an advantage", has commented the Frenchman, although it also has matizado that it does not finish to see clear the presence of so many stars.

"If you put to Suárez, Messi and Griezmann... For what have fichado to Dembélé? There are questions. If index cards to Coutinho, any will seat in the bench, therefore I say that it is good fichar to big players but depends on the vision of the club", has argued, aiming to that a so powerful staff would suppose an extra effort to level of management of egos in the changing room.

Connection madridista

Given his relation with Zinedine Zidane or Karim Benzema by his presence in the surroundings of the French selection, Abidal also has referred to his compatriots of the Real Madrid. "In the first year won titles and the football is like this, the fans accustoms when you win titles and no longer can fail, is difficult", has aimed on the technician, before adding that the forward is "an exemplary player and worker", and that deserves to be in the combined 'bleu'.

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