Agüero And koke, the signings that more wishes the fans of the fc barcelona

Agüero And Koke, the most wished signings by the fans of the Barça

Agüero And Koke, the most wished signings by the fans of the Barça

Published:2/06/2014 - 12:27h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Barça already has very defined his aims of face to the next season, and so much Sergio Agüero like Koke Resurrection would be two of them. Whereas the Manchester City already has hindered the exit of the "Kun", the Athletic could negotiate the sale of Koke

In a survey carried out by "Sport", Sergio Agüero and Koke Resurrection have appeared, with 55% and 22% of votes respectively, like the two signings that more illusion would do to the fans of the FC Barcelona of face to the next season, from among a list of options in which it no longer would be a Frame Reus that will finish remaining a course more in the Borussia Dortmund, according to the same announced in a recent interview. After the "citizen" and the "colchonero", curiously, Squared would be the preferred (7%) by in front even of Marquinhos (6%), the one who would be about to fichar by the Barça.

Already in an inferior stair would be Fernando Llorente (5%), Claudio Bravo (3%) and Mathieu (2%), that are those who less illusion generate in the Barcelona fans. In the survey, however, do not appear names like Paul Pogba, Arturo Vidal or Aymeric Laporte, that also would be feasible alternatives in the case that they did not produce some of the signings that stirs Zubizarreta.

Agüero Will not move of the Manchester City

Although the last informations aim to that the Barça even would have presented a first offer by the player, the reality is that the Manchester City does not have any intention to leave leave to the Kun Agüero. The English club will not sell the Argentinian, fellow of Leo Messi, that has agreement until the 2017. It does a year, the Real Madrid of Florentino Pérez wanted to him fichar and the Manchester City expanded him the agreement until 2017. Messi and the Kun are fellow, but, for the moment only will share changing room in the selection. The City is not had to leave to leave to his star to the Barça

Chelsea could advance to the Barça by Koke 

Chelsea can torpedear the management of the Barça for fichar to Koke. With the goodbye of Lampard course to the American football, Mourinho will do all the possible to seduce to the midfield player of the Athletic, one of the preferred, also, by Luis Enrique. As TV3, the Manchester City has fichado to Frank Lampard for his franchise of New York, where also will be David Villa. It exists the possibility that the midfield player of Chelsea play some parties with the City at the beginning of season, until it do not begin the American league, in February. His course opens a hole in the staff of Mourinho, a fact that can incidir in the Barcelona aspirations of fichar to Koke.

Carlos Domínguez
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