Alberto Moreno, during a party with the Liverpool this season


Alberto Moreno wins strength to be one of the three next signings of the Barça

Published:26/03/2019 - 10:39h

Updated:26/03/2019 - 10:39h

The carrilero Spanish of the Liverpool, Alberto Moreno, finishes agreement with the 'reds' this summer and could arrive with the letter of freedom to the FC Barcelona, that to day of today would have him in the 'pole' as future reinforcement for the left side

Calendar of FC Barcelona

True is that the FC Barcelona already has of a staff of full guarantees, but even so it follows working in search to improve it, and this summer wishes to make some light retouchings with the arrival of young players that can contribute balance and alternative. This course the FC Barcelona has had to use to diverse 'patches' in the left side when Jordi Alba has not been available, and this will change of face to the next campaign.

The intention is fichar to a left side that, to be possible, arrive to the Barça to cost zero. Filipe Luis (Athletic), Álex Moreno (Ray Vallecano) and Nacho Monreal (Arsenal) were some of the options that stirred at the beginning, but in the last days the name that would be earning a lot of strength between the members of the technical office is the one of Alberto Moreno (Liverpool).

To his 26 years, the ex of the Seville accumulates already several seasons in the Premier League, to which arrived like a young promise of future. Although it is true that began his path 'network' being headline, with the step of the time and the arrival of Jürgen Klopp to the bench wanted to contribute something more than defensive rigour to said zone, and Alberto Moreno finish falling of the eleven.

It finishes agreement in June of 2019, and would arrive free to the FC Barcelona to an age, the 26 years, that is very tempting when having by in front a lot of seasons of full performance. Alberto Moreno already liked to the Barça when despuntó in the Seville, doing gala of a big offensive potential and good technical, in addition to a big strike far.

It would be an acting perfect for Jordi Alba, when having some characteristics of game seemed to the of L'Hospitalet. It would benefit him besides the offensive game of the FC Barcelona, but perhaps would have to employ something more in defence of what has done it up to now in Anfield. From the newspaper 'Sport' plant to Alberto Moreno like priority in the list of preferences in the diary culé.

The aim, always according to the quoted newspaper, would be to sign him with the letter of freedom for the two next seasons, and from here see how evolves his participation in the team under the control of Ernesto Valverde. There is not doubt that has a potential tremendo like carrilero, especially to offensive level, and could be a good option to give rest to Jordi Alba when it was necessary.

The FC Barcelona has clear his aims in the market

In addition to reinforcing the left side, remember that the FC Barcelona already has closed the signing of Frenkie of Jong, and wishes apuntalar the staff with two signings more: Matthijs of Ligt (Ajax) for the defensive saga and Luka Jovic (Eintracht) for the forward. These two last signings, in any case, will generate an important cost in the arks of the club if finally they carry out.

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