The canterano could abandon the fc barcelona to put course to the tottenham

With destination to the Tottenham?

Already it knows the possible destination of Sandro Ramírez

Published:23/12/2015 - 14:15h

Updated:1/03/2016 - 11:44h

The Catalan press inform that Luis Enrique would have given the seen well to the traspaso of Sandro Ramírez of face to the market of winter of 2016, being able to of this form the Barcelona ingresar something of money to guarantee the arrival of a forward of the confidence of "Struggle"

Calendar of FC Barcelona
The newspaper "Sport" has published in the last hours that the Tottenham would be had to offer a succulent offer for doing with the services of Sandro Ramírez in the market of winter of 2016, when being conscious that the player will have of few minutes when it Burn Turan and Aleix Vidal can play, and although the canterano still has not exploded the potential that boasts that it hides in the boots. In this sense, "Sport" has informed that this past week "there was a meeting to know at first hand the availability of the Canarian to disembark in the Premier League", possibly of face from the next month of January.

It fits to remember that London Evening Standard" already advanced weeks backwards the presumptive interest of the Tottenham would have for materialising the signing of Sandro Ramírez of face to the market of winter, taking advantage of that the FC Barcelona needs money to achieve the arrival of another forward to the staff culé and that precisely the landing of a new offensive reinforcement would reduce the minutes of Sandro and would do to pose very seriously the exit of the club.

The case is that the Tottenham, that could pay some 10 million euros by the incorporation of the attacker youngster culé, would be negotiating at present with the Naples the sale of Moussa Dembélé in return of 15 million euros, part of the which would go headed to to fulfil with the purchase of the Barcelona footballer. Sandro Ramírez has enjoyed in this first stretch of the season of a major prominence in the FC Barcelona owing to the absence of Leo Messi, the injury of Rafinha Alcántara and the sale does some months of Pedro Rodríguez to Chelsea.

The situation, however, could change of radical form in the case that it arrive to the City Condal a new forward like Nolito, Yarmolenko, Falcao, Van Persie or any another of the a lot of names that are stirring to day of today to cover the vacancy in the flank of attack culé. A possible explosion of game of Munir The Haddadi, besides, also could remove him the true leadership of the that is having to these heights of the campaign 2015-16.

By all this, is possible that the player pose very seriously leave of the FC Barcelona if it arrives an offer of the Premier League as the one who announces of the Tottenham. The Barcelona club would need besides the money to have of liquidity of face to this market of winter, and knows that the sale of Sandro or of some another component of the staff would be the only form to attain it.

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