Raphinha in a friendly match v Japan


A former madridista praises Raphinha: "He's not the typical Brazilian from before"

Published:14/07/2022 - 18:32h

Updated:14/07/2022 - 18:32h

Kiko Casilla, Leeds United goalkeeper with experience at Real Madrid, has recognized the good moment that Raphinha is going through, who will now take on a new challenge in the Barça squad

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Raphinha Has converted officially in player of the FC Barcelona after paying a total of 72 million euros to the Leeds United. The extreme will add to the project of Xavi Hernández, that wishes to have effective of his profile to explode the game by the bands. Recently, one of his ancient mates has had some praises for the Brazilian.

It treats of Kiko Box, current goalkeeper of the Leeds, team to the that arrived after being part of the staff of the Real Madrid between 2015 and 2018. In statements for the chain 'Cope', the tarraconense has recognised the good level of the now attacker culé: "it Is very professional and worker, no the typical Brazilian of before. It remains 20 minutes after the trainings to practise the unemployed balloon and is very familiar".

Box has done emphasis in what it has seen of Raphinha during the sessions of training in the English team, standing out especially his discipline with the physical works that move him away of the image of other footballers lovers of the parties and in occasions impuntuales in the trainings: "When you see him train, know that has something different and that stands out a lot".

Likewise, it has explained that his arrival to the City Condal could be vital for a Barcelona that requires to improve the section goleador and could take out benefit of his virtues in the field, especially to the moment to outline to the goal: "it Is explosive, vertical and this can be a different tool for the game of the Barça. It is extreme to put inwards and kick".

His confidence will be vital for the Barça

Also it considers that Raphinha, in spite of having militado for a team that was to the edge of the descent in England, has won something of confidence when seeing minutes regularly under the orders of Tite in the Brazilian selection, one of the big favourites to the title in the next Glass of the World: "it Arrives with a big confidence because it has played enough with Brazil".

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