Arthur Melo and Miralem Pjanic will be exchanged


ANALYSIS: In what is better Pjanic and in what is better Arthur?

Published:27/06/2020 - 15:27h

Updated:27/06/2020 - 16:01h

The FC Barcelona and the Juventus of Turín will close the barter Arthur Melo-Miralem Pjanic. But, Who will come off well? To continuation, an analysis of both

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona and the Juventus of Turín are to a step to announce an exchange of players​: Arthur Melo, that carries two years being Barcelona, will leave to the Italian team in return of 70 million euros; Miralem Pjanic, by his part, will land in the Camp Nou by 60 'kilos', by what the culés will carry 10 of profit in addition to changing a player of projection by another of experience.

Both could happen the medical recognition this same Sunday, by what before finish the week could announce the agreement. To continuation, a comparative of in what is upper each player, so that we can do us an approximate idea of what will lose and what will win the FC Barcelona closing this exchange.

In what is better Pjanic?

To his 30 years, Pjanic has triumphed in big teams like the Olympique of Lyon, the Rome and the Juventus of Turín, being always title indisputable after consecrating like one of the best midfield players of Europe. It treats of an organiser of polyvalent game, that can play like mediocentro, inner or mediapunta, whereas Arthur is a footballer with many less registers.

The bosnio is a much more lethal playmaker of three chambers of field to forward: it has generated 27 occasions of goal this season by the 12 of Arthur, what supposes more than the double. In addition to being very fine technically, also is very upper defensivamente and tácticamente to Arthur: this season has recovered 140 balloons by only 72 of the goiano.

In what is better Arthur?

There is something indisputable: Arthur fulfils 24 years in August and Pjanic fulfilled 30 in April, by what the Brazilian is six years old more than projection of future. Besides, the percentages of pass of the still Barcelona midfield player are slightly upper to the ones of the 'bianconero: Arthur has a 91'5% of tarpaulin in the pass and has given three assistances, whereas Pjanic has a 89'67% of tarpaulin and two passes of goal.

In the statistics in which Arthur is very upper to Pjanic is in the one of dribblings completed successfully, since the Brazilian has attained it in the 83'78 percent of the occasions whereas the Balkan has completed a 56'52 percent. To level goleador, Arthur has annotated four so many in all the competitions, one more than Pjanic, with three.

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