Ronald Araújo, Frenkie de Jong y Raphinha


Araújo, De Jong and Raphinha, the trio from which the million-dollar sale of Barça could come

Published:14/02/2024 - 20:59h

Updated:15/02/2024 - 04:14h

FC Barcelona will have to assess what to do with Frenkie de Jong, Ronald Araújo and Raphinha in the coming months. These names, which in theory seemed non-transferable, could become salable assets given the current economic situation of the culé club, as long as the appropriate offer arrives

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona seems to be considering seriously the idea to sell to one of his key pieces more valued to give him 'oxygen' to his economy. The fault of payment of the 'crowbar' of Free Football Finance and other problems have carried to the Barcelona club to take important measures to balance his financial section and with regard to being able to reinforce of face to the next season, so much in the position of mediocentro as in the left extreme.

In this moment, in the City Condal, seems to have very few players intocables, as long as it receive a suitable offer. Between the names that have mentioned like possible exits, there is three that stand out like favourites. No because the Barcelonan square want to give off of them, but because they are the active by which other clubs would be had to do a significant investment. These players are Ronald Araújo, Frenkie of Jong and Raphinha, and apparently the team already has received offers by them.

Ronald Araújo is being seriously pretended by the Bayern Munich

The case of Ronald Araújo is perhaps the most stood out of all. The native de Rivera has been an indispensable piece in the defence of the Barça, showing a big capacity to manage with soltura so much of defender as of right side. From the last market of winter, the Bayern Munich has showed interest in ficharlo like one of the stars of his sportive project for the next season. It has informed that the Bavarians have put in contact with the charrúa to know his intentions and express him his interest.

As it informed 'Sportive World', the FC Barcelona would expect to receive a figure around the 100 million euros by Araújo. The referred source also aseveró that the 'Die Roten' did a first ofrecimiento of 70 M€.

It will be necessary to expect to see how develops this situation and if the offer rises and finishes for being the sufficiently good as to convince to the Catalan cast to sell to the defender and to the same Araújo to go to Germany. Equally, it is possible that the Barça do all the possible to retain it, which could involve a renewal with a substantial increase in his wage. For now, the agents of Araújo arrived this Wednesday to Barcelona.

Frenkie Of Jong already has an offer of the Tottenham

Another player that has been signalled like possible exit is Frenkie of Jong. The Dutch has been in rumours of traspaso from does a time. His poster of player 'top' turn it into an attractive name to sell, and his exit would free an important space in the mass salarial of the club. Nevertheless it says that the Barcelonan square already has offered him an agreement of renewal that would adjust his wage to the economic conditions of the team.

Until the moment, there has not been answer to this offer. However, it does not seem to be in doubt the commitment of the native of Arkel with the Barcelona cause, in spite of the rumours that suggest that it is tired of the sportive situation in the City Condal, since the Catalan group does not attain to go out of the sportive pothole in which it finds .

In the case of Frenkie of Jong, although several clubs have showed interest, the Tottenham has been the first in expressing seriously his intentions. As 'Jijantes', the 'Spurs' already have presented an offer of 60 million euros, including variable. Although it does not approach to the quantity that rumoreaba that the Barcelona expected by Of Jong (around 100 million euros), is a good beginning for a possible bidding that could result interesting and yielding for the Barça.

Raphinha Also would interest to the 'Spurs'

To close, is the case of Raphinha. The Brazilian has not had his best season in the club, eclipsado by a Lamine Yamal in a big state of form and, of course, by the injuries that have prevented him have some regularity. Given the surplus of right extremes in the picture culé, the Barcelona could dispense of the native of Carry Cheerful, by the one who has commented that the 'Spurs' would be had to offer 70 M€ by him. Nevertheless, this is not the only offer that has received the Brazilian, since it also has woken up interest in Saudi Arabia and there is another team that seem to be had to do a big investment by him.

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