Arthur warming up with Juventus


Arthur's free fall continues: Juventus loan him to another Serie A team

Published:20/07/2023 - 23:58h

Updated:20/07/2023 - 23:58h

Arthur Melo has not been able to return to the level that carried it to be player of the FC Barcelona and this summer this situation has been confirmed with the second consecutive cession that will have in the Juve

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The ex player of the FC Barcelona, Arthur Melo, will initiate a new stage in his career, but keeping in the football of Italy. After being during the 22/23 yielded in England with the Liverpool, the midfield player will go yielded to the Fiorentina to the not going in again in the plans of a Juventus with which still has agreement until 30 June 2025.

Like this it has explained it this Thursday the journalist Fabrizio Romano, signalling that both Italian clubs have arrived to an agreement for a loan from among 3 and 4 million euros, with option of purchase of some 20 million euros. Like this, Fiore has bet strong by him in spite of not being leading in the recently finalised season because of a grave muscular injury in the Liverpool that did him play only an official party with the ones of Anfield.

A career that has gone losing since it left the Camp Nou

Of this way confirms the fall of the career of the footballer of 26 years, next to fulfil 27 in August, afterwards that it arrived to the Barça in 2018 being one of the big talents of his country and even champion of the Glass Libertadores. With the culés contested 72 parties and annotated four goals. However, his stage in the Camp Nou finished only two years afterwards with a Juve that paid 80 million euros between money and the traspaso to the Barça of Miralem Pjanic, in an operation nefasta for both entities, at least up to now.

In Italy had two very discreet years with the team of Turín and finally the trainer Massimiliano Allegri decided to leave him go to England to try change the course of his player, but all has remained very far of that. The stage has gone back to repeat and from the beginning of the pre-season Arthur has been separated of the first team and even the Juve now will pay almost 5 million euros of his index card, a very favourable deal for the Fiorentina.

A less demanding project for Arthur but that keeps on being of first level

Recovered already of the injury in his whole, the ex player of the Guild of Carry Cheerful will look for to go back to feel important and especially in a club with aspirations to international tournaments. The aim of the midfield player is to go back to be summoned by the Brazilian selection of face to the Glass America of United States 2024, although the competition in this zone of the field seems very high right now.

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