In Turín carried  his fright with the accident of traffic suffered by Arthur Melo


Arthur Melo could reinforce to the Arsenal of Mikel Arteta

Published:9/01/2022 - 17:06h

Updated:9/01/2022 - 17:06h

Mikel Arteta would be in the work to reinforce the centre of the field of the Arsenal, by what the name of Arthur Melo would have been put on the table

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Mikel Arteta, technician of the Arsenal, needs to reinforce the medullary of his team. Like this it indicated it in the last press conference of a group londinense that from this moment has put hands to the work to satisfy the demands of his trainer with the aim to continue arming a solid and competitive team, that follow escalando in the Premier League.

One of the names that has sounded for recalar in the Arsenal, as it has informed the renowned journalist Fabrizio Romano, is the one of the ex player of the FC Barcelona and current piece of the Juventus of Turín, Arthur Melo. The half Brazilian could arrive to the Premier League in condition of yielded.

Like this then , it would close a beneficial operation for the 'Vecchia Signora' that has considered to the ex of the Barcelona like one of the players with poster of transferible. Besides it means a big profit for a Juventus that is not crossing by the most optimum moment of his economy and by which needs to free mass salarial.

Uncertain future

Hardly it initiates the wintry market, by what subtracts to expect the development of the conversations between both clubs that to good sure will arrive to a satisfactory final agreement for both. This yes, the operation will have to have the approval of the Brazilian midfield player that perhaps do not see with good eyes recalar in the Premier League.

It would be the first occasion that the footballer of 25 years was a member of the Premier League. Previous to his go through the FC Barcelona, the Brazilian formed part of the Guild of Carry Cheerful. It landed in the Juventus Stadium on 1 September 2020 by a total cost of 76 million euros. Finally, it would subtract to await the total cost of the operation of cession to the Arsenal.

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