Memphis Depay Struggles by the ball with two defences


Aulas leaves Barça without Depay: "Memphis and Aouar stay in Lyon"

Published:4/10/2020 - 07:55h

Updated:5/10/2020 - 02:24h

The president of Olympique de Lyon has tired of waiting for Barça and has decided to close the exit door to Memphis Depay. Jean-Michel Aulas would have confirmed that the Dutchman will stay this season with Houssem Aouar

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"We will say them to the players that what do not fix in terms of exits before the Friday, will not be able to do. So for us the date of closing of the window of transfers will be the Friday. I think that I will propose it to him this Tuesday to our trainer, Rudi García, and to Juninho Pernambucano. Because it is comprehensible. From the Friday, the players that have not gone will not go ". These were the words of Jean-Michel Classrooms does less than a week and seems that the French will fulfil with the promised.

The president of the Olympique of Lyon already had warned that it would not sell to any of his stars if it did not arrive to an agreement before this past Friday 2 October, and seems that no mentía. He same would have confirmed in the newspaper 'L'Équipe' that no traspasará to Memphis Depay neither Houssem Aouar, that are the two big 'cracks' of the conjoint Frenchman. Both were waking up the interest of several big of Europe that finally will have to look to another side.

"I asked him to Rudi García: 'Which is the best possible team?'. He answered: 'With Memphis and Houssem'. Then I said him that they went to remain with us", said textualmente Classrooms, questioned by the mentioned French newspaper, that called him on purpose to know what went to happen with the two footballers. Therefore if it does not happen at all odd in the next hours, so much the Dutch like the Frenchman will remain in Lyon this campaign and will treat to carry to the club the highest possible.

It is necessary to remember that the FC Barcelona carries time behind Depay by request of Ronald Koeman. The trainer barcelonista wants to his compatriot to complete his forward and has asked him in several occasions without mentioning his name. "We want to have two or three players by position. We have put to Leo like a nine, can play Antoine Griezmann, but are different players. Martin is more nine and will have his possibilities, but want to one more", said does some days, questioned by the possibility of fichar another attacker.

At the end, the one of Zaandam seems that it will have to conform with Messi and Griezmann of 'false leading', Braithwaite like revulsivo and with the goals of an Ansu Fati that from the left is more lethal that a lot of '9'. The plan of the ex seleccionador of Holland changes with the no arrived of Memphis, but will follow working with what has to carry to the Barça to the highest. To be able to aspire to the ex of the Manchester United was necessary that Ousmane Dembélé, that does not explain too much for Koeman, went , but the French has refused to leave to the United and does not seem that it go to change his decision to last hour.

The Madrid neither fichará to Aouar

On the other hand, It was speaking that the Real Madrid was very interested in Aouar by wish of Zinedine Zidane. The marsellés elogió to his compatriot this past Saturday in press conference and some means ensured that it could have movements of last hour by him, but everything indicates that it will not happen at all. Classrooms does not want to leave him leave to these heights of the market of signings and, as with Depary, if it does not occur at all extraordinary, he also will remain .

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